Advent Snail Mail

Advent is such a great opportunity to not only celebrate and honor The Coming of Christ’s birth, but also to show love to the people in your life with Advent mail!

We have tried many different Advent opportunities as our boys grew up. From reading daily scripture to crafting adorable ornaments with Truth in the Tinsel, and Rak’ing people in our neighborhood (Random Acts Of Kindness).

advent mail

Still one of my favorite Advent practices is sending snail mail. During December everyone is expecting the perfect photo Christmas card. The one with the amazing setting, lighting, and holiday font. The one all about me and my beautiful family. No one is expecting a Thinking of You or Thank You card. And that is why I love to do it!

Advent Snail Mail

1. Buy a pack of blank cards.

2. Write down names and address envelopes for 24 people. It’s easier to grab a pen and write when you already know who you’re writing.

3. Buy stamps! No way around this one – it’s snail mail!

4. Each day during Advent fill in one card why you’re thankful for that person, share an inspiring message, and/or write a prayer for them. This is pouring out your love for your family and friends!

5. Every day Dec 2nd – 24th put a card in the mail! Keep in mind Sunday will not go out, but keep doing it each day.

If you want to include your children have them color something special instead of sending a card. Grandmas always liked kid art better.

advent mail

Things to keep in mind …

a. The cards will show up long after Christmas.

b. This requires a bit of time every morning / before the mail comes. Don’t rush your words just to get something out. I usually write my notes before bed.

c. Your sincerity and kindness might be exactly what your friend needed to hear that day.

d. You will spend more time praising others than focusing on yourself during a hyper consumer season.

Try something different for Advent this year ! Advent Snail Mail is the perfect opportunity to practice 1 Thessalonians 5:11

… encourage one another and build each other up …

Stef Layton is mom to two boys and smitten wife to a golf course architect. They live in Orlando, FL and enjoy traveling. They have been homeschooling for over a decade. You can find Stef sharing field trips, reviews, and homeschool encouragement at Follow her on IG: @FlaHomeschooling

Before I close, one of the best pieces of advice I received the first year I homeschooled was to take a break during December. A friend of mine who had kids the same ages, but had homeschooled since Kindergarten, told me she “quits” formal homeschooling.

What you might say? Quit homeschooling for a month.

Well, not really!

From this piece of advice, our family began a Christmas tradition of integrating Christmas and Advent into our homeschooling. I mention a few ideas on our 3 Clues to Putting Christ Back into Christmas online workshop. You can reserve your seat for free HERE.

Integrate Christmas into your homeschool…to encourage a love of learning during the holidays, I’m offering for a limited time, my Christmas Unit Study. You’ll get practical and easy ideas in Christmas Writing, Christmas Math, Reading, History, Science Experiments and much more.

If you would like our complete list of activities you can do during Advent & Christmas, enter your name & email below. I’d be happy to send our Christmas Unit Study to you at no cost to you. This offer expires at the end of December. After that, it will be $9.97.

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