Happy Mothers Day

Mothers Day - BecksWhat a special day . . . celebrating moms.

By now, you may wonder if it’s really worth it – changing dirty diapers, cooking meals 3 times a day, laundry, refereeing those arguments, cooking, chauffeuring, cleaning up after a bath fight, worrying when they drive on their own for the first time . . . oh, and did I mention cooking?

Seems like everyone in my family wants to eat 3 times a day.

But then there are those special moments:

  • When your son curls his little arm around your neck and hugs you
  • When your child shares the Gospel with their friend – so naturally
  • When your child says “I’m sorry Mom” . . . without being asked to apologize
  • When your daughter bakes cookies while you are taking a nap
  • When your kids grow up and continue to follow the Lord
  • When your teens want to serve in the church nursery or babysit for free
  • When your daughter surprises you with a quilt she made just for you

Yep, being a mom is hard, but so worth it!

Happy Mothers Day to YOU!

Thanks for all the many sacrifices you make to serve your family and model service so they can grow up to serve.


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