I’ve been listening to you tell me which of our resources would be most helpful to your homeschool. Several items keep coming up, but one that continues to be at the top of the list is Teach Your Kids How to Think.
As you plan for next year, are you looking to fill in the gaps? One area that doesn’t come in a curriculum is truly preparing kids to live as adults. . . helping your kids make wise decisions and think critically in any area.
Have you ever thought . . .
“I wonder if my homeschool is really preparing my kids to be an adult”.
The thought crossed my mind many times during our 10 years of homeschooling. I wanted my kids to make wise decisions. To think Biblically as they make decisions. Use the grid of Scripture in all areas of their adult life.
After much research, as well as trial & error, I landed upon a 3-step strategy that truly helped our kids. They are all adults now, thinking for themselves and striving to make Biblical decisions.
How did we do it?
Next Tuesday, I want to share the strategy that I used with my own kids…one that really helped my kids learn how . . .
To think for themselves.
To think Biblically & critically.
To be able to make decisions for themselves.
Join me for a free masterclass on Tuesday, September 1:
Teach Your Kids “How to Think”
with a Mentoring Education
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
2pm EST / 1pm CST / 12noon MST / 11am PST
5pm EST / 4pm CST / 3pm MST / 2pm PST
9pm EST / 8pm CST / 7pm MST / 6pm PST
Why should you join us? We’ll discuss and you’ll discover:
- 3-Step Plan to make it easy to teach most high school subjects
- How to help your kids think critically & Biblically
- How to encourage wise decisions
- 3 stages of mentoring
- Using classics & discussions in your homeschool
- How to encourage Self-Directed learning
- How to use reading journals
- 3 qualities of a leader
- How to develop a Personal Growth Plan
- Responsibilities of student & mentor
Grab your seat right here by filling in your name & email below.

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.Question: What’s your biggest challenge to help your kids think for themselves? You can leave a comment by clicking here.