Is your home full of drama?
Are you stressing about your parenting or homeschooling?
Do you feel like a failure?
… can’t take another day?
Enter the drama-free mom zone with practical strategies from the Bible to take stress, worry and anxiety out of your life. Discover Kerry’s four tools to be joyful, have peace and smile.

OK . . . so entering the drama-free mom zone isn’t as easy as pushing a button, but there are real-life ways to have joy and peace on a daily basis.
I know!
The past few years I’ve walked through difficulties, including rejection, abandonment and even depression. But … joy, peace and freedom have come my way. So many ways that God has delivered His peace in my life, my home, my family.
As you might guess, much of what I’ve learned about peace, freedom and being consistent has been learned during these hard years … after my kids left our home. I wish there had been a simple guide to get me started along the path to peace. To show me how to implement a drama-free and stress-free life through Christ.
My life would have been much easier if I had those step-by-step helps as I raised my kids. That’s why I’m hosting 4 Steps to Be a Drama-Free Mom … to share with you how I gained joy and peace in the midst of deep suffering.
4 Steps to Be a Drama-Free Mom
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Choose your own time from 3 time slots
When you join me at our Masterclass, you’ll discover:
- How to quit stressing out about your parenting
- How to get rid of the drama
- How to stop feeling like a failure
- How to replace worry and anxiety with joy
- How to teach your kids to have peace & joy
Besides walking through deep suffering myself, I’ve raised three kids to become adults who are all walking with God. I will share tips and tricks I discovered to control of the overwhelmed and drama in a mom’s life. I’ll also share ways I failed so you can avoid my mistakes with your own kids.
Get rid of the drama. Bring peace into your life, your home, your family.

Reserve your seat in Kerry’s Drama-Free Mom Masterclass by entering your name & email below. If you don’t see the form below, click here.

Let’s find peace in our lives, our homes, our families. That’s what I talk about in our Drama-Free Mom Bundle . . . . and I’m giving away a bundle after the last Masterclass on Tuesday.
Enter to win below. If you don’t see a form, click here.