Windows to the World Literary Analysis {Review}

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

Most of you know that I recommend Teaching the Classics as an introduction to literary analysis. It uses storybooks to analyze plot, characters, setting and so forth. Becky Marie shared how she uses Teaching the Classics with her young boys. Here’s her video: Teaching the Classics in Action

As your kids get older, literary analysis might seem daunting. I found Windows to the World Literary Analysis that will make your life much easier as your children analyze their literature. Watch this short video to see if it’s a good fit for your family.

If you want to read my complete review of Windows to the World, here it is:Windows to the World Literary Analysis Review

Remember that all IEW orders (thru August 31) receive a FREE writing lesson plan: Olympics Writing Lesson. You’ll get step-by-step instructions for mom & student, as well as printables & charts.

Do you have any tips about literary analysis? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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