Yesterday was Easter and I didn’t worry about a post. Instead we had a wonderful Easter lunch with our kids, my parents and some college kids. Steve cooked our chicken & pork loin on his oil-less turkey fryer. Ashley & Hunter made desserts. Gentry roasted the carrots. My mom took care of the fruit for salad and dessert. And…I made lots of side dishes.
Beck’s Easter dinner with Kerry’s parents & Hunter’s college friends
Kerry, Hunter, Gentry, Ashley, Jesse, Steve (the cook 🙂
Since I was busy enjoying my family, here are the weekend links that can help with how to homeschool my child.
Lemonade Day
Right around the corner, so start planning now. Sign up now for your kids to have a booth. Fantastic opportunity for kids to learn about entrepreneurship.
The Sinking of the Titanic & Great Sea Disasters (free PDF ebook) – anniversary of Titanic sinking is April 14, 1912
Titanic Activities – Although these are intended to do at the museum, you could work online for some activities.
Leonardo daVinci Activities – birthday is Sunday, April 15, 1452. We enjoyed reading Leonardo’s Horse & The Second Mrs. Giaconda