Learning to Be Content with We Choose Virtues {SHIP VBS Day 2}

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

Yesterday, I forgot to say we are working in El Salvador with SHIP (Shelter the Homeless International Project). This is the 6th team I’ve had the privilege of working with as we minister to others less fortunate. It is awesome to see God working.

On Monday, one of the boys trusted Christ as his Savior.
Let’s praise God together!

VBS lessons & plans on being content - using We Choose Virtues & recommended by HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com

As I said yesterday, we are using We Choose Virtues (Spanish version) as a basis for our VBS in El Salvador. So, we’re moving on to contentment – learning to be content in the Lord, no matter the circumstances.

What did we do in VBS today?

We learned the song about diligence from the We Choose Virtues website.  Since it’s only in English, Dennise translated the song to Spanish. Then, we copied song sheets for all the kids & team members.

New Spanish song for VBS - being diligent from We Choose Virtues - recommended by HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com

Next, Dennise told the story of Ahab desiring Naboth’s garden.  I find it interesting that Ahab was king, with a kingdom. But, he still wanted Naboth’s garden. When Naboth said, “no”, Ahab sulked. He pouted.

What a great way to encourage our kids not to whine or complain about things they don’t have. You can find Ahab’s story in I Kings 21:2-16

Memory Verse Review activities -We Choose Virtues ~ recommended by HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com

Before moving to today’s memory verse, one of the guys came to the front & put yesterday’s verse cards in order.

Teaching character with parenting cards of We Choose Virtues ~ recommended by HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com

After the Bible story, Rachel read the We Choose Virtues story about Jake Cake from the Parenting Card.  Another young man read the catchphrases on the front of the Parenting Card. We concluded the teaching time by learning today’s memory verse about being content.

Masks - Bible crafts about Ahab from We Choose Virtues ~ recommended by HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com

For the craft, the kids made a mask of Ahab or Jezebel. The boys made King Ahab and the girls made Queen Jezebel.  This took longer than we expected because the kids wanted to color with detail. Also, coloring & cutting takes awhile.

Ahab Masks - Bible crafts to go along with We Choose Virtues ~ recommended by HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com

During craft time, Courtney & Haleigh called the kids to our memory verse chart so they could recite yesterday’s verse. Almost everyone earned a sticker & a piece of candy.

Memory Verse Activities for VBS or to go along with We Choose Virtues ~ recommended by HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com

For snack, we served orange quarters to remind us of the garden that Ahab coveted.  This should also remind us to be content with what God has given us, keeping our “wanter” in control.

In review, here’s what we did for our contentment lesson:

  • We Choose Virtues Content Parenting Card (includes virtue, memory verse, catchphrases)
  • Story of Ahab – Ahab was not content. Ahab coveted Naboth’s garden.
  • Craft – Masks
  • Snack – Oranges
  • Songs – Diligent song from We Choose Virtues to review yesterday’s virtue

If you want to know more about what God is doing in El Salvador through SHIP, click like on the SHIP facebook page . . . right HERE!

Enter our Giveaway

GIVEAWAY - freshly roasted El Salvadoran coffee - Cafe Tucan  from HowToHomeschoolMyChild.comI am giving away a pound of freshly roasted El Salvadoran coffee. To enter this giveaway, you need to do 2 things.

1. SUPER-EASY: Subscribe to this blog. Use the form below to subscribe to my blog & receive an email every time I post. If you already receive emails every time I post to this blog, you’ve already done #1. Just check it off!

2. COMMENT: Leave a comment on any of my blog posts about our SHIP VBS. You can leave a comment every day until July 17th, 2014

  • How you are teaching your kids that particular virtue
  • How you struggle with that particular virtue
  • Thoughts about going on a family mission trip

Here are links to each of the SHIP VBS posts. Leave a comment on a different post, every day! You’ll get a 10 point entry for every comment.

Day 1: We Choose Virtues – Learning to Be Diligent

Day 2: We Choose Virtues – Learning to Be Content

Day 3: We Choose Virtues – Learning to Be Patient

Day 4: FREE Bible Lessons for Kids – Diligent

Day 5: FREE Bible Lessons for Kids – Content

Day 6: FREE Bible Lessons for Kids – Patient

What Bible lessons are you sharing this week with your kids? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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