7 Ways to Teach Kindness this Thanksgiving

There are many ways to teach kindness this Thanksgiving. The number one way is to be kind to others during your day. Your kids are watching everything you do, so being kind starts with you. When you’re out in public hold the door for a stranger, compliment someone, or give up your seat to someone.

There are many ways parents can work to set the example for kindness. Being a genuine example of kindness will truly help your kids be more apt to pick up on kindness habits. Kids raised around kindhearted parents tend to follow in their footsteps.

7 ways to teach kindness

If you’re ready to start working on kindness this Thanksgiving then you’ve come to the right place. I’m featuring some ways to teach kindness that are perfect for all ages and family types.

7 Ways To Teach Kindness This Thanksgiving

Write Thank You Cards

Sit down with your kids and ask them who they think they should thank. Let your kids make notes of who they want to send a thank you card to and why they’re going to say thank you. Gather up some paper, scissors, markers, and crayons to make your own thank you cards.

Once done, you can help the kids hand deliver these thank you cards or mail them to the appropriate person.

Bake Cupcakes for Less Fortunate

Use these cupcake toppers to bake cupcakes and decorate them to bring to shelters. You could also call to find your local Veterans center. Have the kids bake and decorate some Thanksgiving cupcakes to bring to various shelters and centers for less fortunate.

This is a great way to help kids learn how to bake while teaching them a random act of kindness.

Help With Family Car

Perhaps the family car is in need of a cleaning or fluid check. If your kids are old enough to help with either tasks, have them help. This is a great way to teach kindness because it’s helping out the parent who usually tends to the car. Checking the fluids, cleaning the car, or even washing the family car on a warm day can help your kids understand the importance of helping family.

Do Chores

Your kids could do some extra chores around the house that they don’t normally do. This act of kindness helps teach your kids that it takes a village to keep the household going.

Having your kids do the dishes or sweep when another household member usually does it is a random act of kindness. Having your kids do extra chores will help teach them the concept of teamwork and kindness.

7 ways to teach kindness

Give a Smile

A smile can go a long way when someone is having a difficult day. Have a contest with your kids when you’re out running errands. Each of you will smile to everyone you pass and try to keep track of how many people smile back.

This is a great way to spread kindness without much effort. A simple smile is the most basic act of kindness your kids can do this Thanksgiving.

Make a Thankful Tree

Kindness is basically the act of being thankful for something or someone. Making a thankful tree will serve as a fun craft idea with kids this Thanksgiving. It’s also a wonderful way to have your kids think about all that they’re thankful for in their life.

You can use construction paper cut into the shape of a tree with markers to write random things your kids are thankful for on it.

Make a Call

Make a list of family and friend’s phone numbers. Sit down with your kids and have them give each person a call to say hello.

This random act of kindness is a perfect way to wish family and friends a happy Thanksgiving all the while letting them feel good that you’re thinking about them. A phone call is much better than dropping a card or text message to familiar friends and family members.

These 7 ways to teach kindness this Thanksgiving are just some simple ideas that kids of all ages can participate in. Kindness doesn’t begin and end with Thanksgiving, so be sure to practice random acts of kindness all year round.

Teaching your kids to be kind to others, and go out of their way to spread kindness is one step towards making the world a more peaceful place.

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Article written by Brandy Tanner, a contributor to Farmer’s Wife Rambles . Brandy has been blogging since 2008.

NOTE: Not all views from guest bloggers are the views of Kerry Beck or How to Homeschool My Child.

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One Comment

  1. I really love having my kids make thank you cards. It’s good for them to establish the habit while they’re young.

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