Walking with Jesus in 2021

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

Between Christmas and New Year’s Day, I was coming home from my morning walk, listening to God. The word “walk” came to mind several times. I had already prayed that day for our family to walk with God each and every day. But what else was God saying about walking with Jesus?

4 tips to Walking with Jesus

Over the next few days, I meditated on the word “walk”. When Hunter I celebrated his birthday at Sweet Paris in Houston, I told him I thought God was giving me the word “walk” for 2021. He was excited because walk means so many things to believers.

Let me share four ideas you can use as you are walking with Jesus in the good times and the bad times. If you say yes to any of these, consider how you are walking with Jesus in 2021.

  • More bills than money in the bank?
  • First year homeschooling and really not sure if you’re doing it right?
  • More arguments with your husband than previous years?
  • Kids whining, not listening, not obeying?
  • Overwhelmed with ALL. THE. THINGS.
  • Friends not including you … or posting images when you’re not included?
  • Lonely through times of isolation, rejection, abandonment?
  • Life going okay right now?

Let me tell you that you’re not alone. But there is victory in walking with Jesus. I plan to focus on walking with God in these ways this coming year.

Walking with Jesus in Humility

He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?

Micah 6:8 ESV

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned as I walked through the past four years of trials and rejection by multiple people is humility. You see, I struggled with pride all my life. I knew it, but didn’t turn it over to God. Pride is politically correct, acceptable here in America. But God hates pride and decided to get rid of it in my life.

As I have been rejected by family, friends and church people, I’ve learned to not defend myself. To keep my mouth closed. To let God take care of the situation.

No! I’m not a door mat.

Let me not retaliate when I am insulted, or threaten revenge when I suffer. But let me leave my case in the hands of God, who always judges fairly.

adapted from I Peter 2:23

Walking with Jesus requires me to forgive and let God take care of the other person. Are you struggling with your spouse? Are you in pain from what a friend said or did to you? Do you feel left out from others? Is there bitterness in your heart?

Turn those people over to God. Pray for them. Be humble. Not easy! But when you walk with God, He gives you the strength and self-control to be humble.

As an added bonus, when you move those people from your hook to God’s hook, you WILL have peace and freedom. They will no longer control you. Humility through forgiveness offers freedom and victory from your chains.

4 tips to Walking with Jesus

Slowing Down

Oh boy! This is a hard one for moms.

Hunter and I talked about this at lunch last Saturday. Walking implies slowing down. Walking implies not running.

Are you running from one activity to another? Running to keep up with your friends on Facebook or Instagram? Running because you keep comparing yourself to others?

I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called

Ephesians 4:1 ESV

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Ephesians 2:10 ESV

God prepared good works for you to do. You should walk in your good works. Not your friend’s good works. Not what you see on social media. Not what everyone else is doing. Walk in the calling that God has called you.

For me, this takes a lot of prayer and listening to God. Do you have time to slow down and walk with God in prayer? Prayer involves speaking AND listening. That’s when you’ll know if you’re homeschooling right or how to solve the sibling arguments. God will show you.

Following the Light

A few days ago, I lost my necklace chain on my morning walk. As I returned home, I focused on the road right before me. Looking intently for my lost chain. As I neared my home, I was reminded of this verse.

Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Psalm 119:105 ESV

I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.

John 8:12 ESV

I need to walk on the path that God is lighting for me. He gives me a lamp as I walk, to light my path. He does not give me a floodlight to show me everything in the future. It’s a lamp for me to take the next step.

Focus on what is right before me, not worrying about the future. Again, easier said than done. As missionary Elisabeth Elliot says, “Do the next thing“. Take the next step. That’s all God expects of you when you are walking with Him.

Where do you find the next thing? the next step?

God gives us the Bible to show us the next thing. OK…so, it doesn’t say use the Charlotte Mason method for homeschooling. But, His Word gives principles to raise your children in the Lord. Use the Bible for God’s guidelines and pray like crazy. Then, wait and listen. He will shine light on the path He wants you to follow.

walking with God quote

Walking with Jesus by Faith

Finally, walking with Jesus requires faith.

We walk by faith, not by sight.

2 Corinthians 5:7

This can be the scariest for us. This past year I had no idea how I would pay my bills when I lost my part-time job. But, I trusted God for my finances and declared the loss of a job as a blessing. I had no idea how God would bless me, but I believed He would as I walked by faith.

What did I do?

Each day, I did the next thing, trusting Jesus. I spent time in His presence by reading my Bible, praying and listening. I took the next step in helping homeschool moms and wives with troubled marriages. I did the next thing in my businesses.

Guess what?

God was (and is) faithful to me.

Not only did He provide for me financially, He blessed me as I help homeschoolers and wives. As a bonus, when I share my story as a homeschooler or a wife in a troubled marriage, I have joy. God is using me. I am walking in the calling and good works He gives me to do. And I am able to slow down and focus on what is important in my life right now:

  • My walk with God
  • My kids and grandkids
  • Sharing my story to help you (& defeat the enemy)

What about you? Which one of these ideas about walking with Jesus will you focus on this year?

Would you like my Joy Scripture Cards to find joy in your life? Enter your name & email below and we’ll zip them on over.

Once you download your cards, I recommend printing them out & putting them around your home. When you see a card, pray over it. Or, put all of them on a ring and pray one a day.

Or, save the cards to your phone. From your phone you can pray one each day or while you’re waiting at the doctor office or when you’re in the car, waiting for soccer practice to end.

How to Homeschool My Child

how to simplify your homeschool
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  1. oh Kerry! This was such a blessing, you have no idea. This is such an encouragement to me. I pray our Lord continues to bless you and help you each step of the way!
    Love in Christ,

  2. How do you ”get Gods word for you in 2021”? I loved the section on Walking with Jesus with Humility. It is such an important thing in my relationship with my adult addict daughter. I have custody of her son and it can be a rollar coaster. Thank you

    1. Catherine,
      I am so sorry for your situation. When I hear a word from God, it usually means I quit talking to Him and start listening. For me, journaling, writing, helps me slow down and listen to Him. Other times, like the word walk, it was the idea of walking with God coming back to me over and over and over again. I prayed for your daughter. May she find victory & freedom over her chains of addiction. God does the work of the impossible.

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