Kids Bible Lesson about God’s Promised Land {VBS Snacks}

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

Over the summer, I will be sharing specific ideas for homeschooling which can also be used for VBS snacks. I love teaching with food, so many of the blog posts will have a fun snack for your kids.  I’ll even share ways you can use the snack in your homeschooling.

Fun way to learn with "dirt cup" snack. Use for VBS snacks (God's Promised Land) or worms, earth, plants, geography, soil, or The Secret Garden unit studies

I’m here in El Salvador with Shelter the Homeless International Projects, working with our neighborhood kids and our SHIP missionary teams. For 2 weeks, we are studying the life of Joseph and the way God is in control of Joseph’s life. To begin our lessons, we discussed God’s promise to give Abraham a special land – the promised land.  You can find this story in Genesis 12:1-7 and Genesis 13:15-17.

Besides telling the story and playing a review game, we included a special snack. If you are studying the promised land in VBS, Sunday School or Children’s Church, you might serve dirt.  That’s what our SHIP team called it, a cup of dirt for our VBS snacks.

Our VBS Snacks

Actually it’s chocolate pudding with chocolate cookie crumbs on top. Then, add a few gummy worms and a spoon and you have an object lesson your kids can eat. I usually let my kids help me make the snack. Next, you can ask some of these questions if you are studying God’s promised land.

Did Abraham own any land when he left Ur?
What did God promise Abraham, Isaac & Jacob?
Does God keep His promises?
When was a time you saw God keep His promises?

Enjoy fun VBS snacks like pudding cups for God's Promised Land - for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob & Joseph

Integrating with Homeschooling Topics

I’ve found this also works for a variety of homeschooling topics such as:

  • Geology
  • Beach (change chocolate to vanilla pudding & crumbs for sand)
  • Oceans (change to blue jello and gummy fish)
  • Plants
  • Earth
  • The Secret Garden
  • Worms
  • Invertebrates
  • Geography

If you want an entire unit on rocks & dirt, you’ll want to grab Elementary Bundle #1 with Build Your Bundle (by May 14)

What fun snacks do you give your kids?You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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  1. Those look so yummy. Thanks for sharing.

    Do you have any gluten free ideas? That’s always a pain for my VBS planning to make sure we have snack alternatives for all the kiddos.

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