Valentines Day is a Family Celebration, Too

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I love Valentine’s Day…Actually I love all the holidays and celebrating. Anything for a celebration or party while I”m homeschooling.

What you might not know is the reason I love Valentine’s Day is it has been a family celebration at my home.

5 family valentines ideas from

But, life is a changin’

This will be the 3rd Valentine’s Day that we’re alone since Ashley was born.  All the kids have their own plans…part of growing up.

I still sent them a special gift with some Valentine Puppy Chow (yum-o) in the afternoon.

Special Family Valentine’s Day

When they were at home…my kids were always included in the way we celebrated Valentine’s Day. Sure, Steve & I celebrate our love for each other, but our kids were not left out of our love.

When I think about our family celebration, I’m reminded of the way I was raised… My parents included us in their Valentine’s Day celebration. My dad would bring home flowers for my mom and then we would have a special Valentine dinner. Thanks, Dad & Mom for the example you set for me.

5 Ways we've followed their example . . .

1.  Flowers for Daughters

Until they get married, Steve gives the girls flowers on Valentines Day.  How did that get started?

One of my friends made the comment that her roommate got flowers from her Dad every Valentines Day.  I talked to Steve about it and he agreed this would be a special way to show his love to our girls.

When money was tight, he bought a dozen roses.  Ashley got 2-3, Gentry got 2-3 and I got the rest.  Or, he might pick up carnations.

As a girl growing up, I never had a boyfriend giving me flowers.  But I longed to receive flowers on Valentines Day.  This seemed like a perfect solution as dad is our daughter’s man growing up.

2.  Gift for Sons

Steve found a little gift for Hunter. We didn’t want him to be left out.

3.  Exchange Valentines

We’ve gone through several periods of exchanging Valentines. When the kids were little, they chose a school box of Valentines and sent them to their family & friends.

Next, I was into stamping.  We spent an afternoon making our Valentine cards to send.

Now, I’m into Send Out Cards.  I can create a card online, pop a photo on it and they do the rest.  Print, stuff, stamp & mail my Valentine cards in 24 hours.  This saves me time and hassle.  Plus my family loves getting photos.

4.  Special Valentines Meals

For breakfast, I make heart-shaped pancakes. I free-hand the batter.  Last Saturday, I added chopped strawberries, chopped pecans and toasted coconut to our pancakes. That would be fun to do on Valentine’s Day, too.

For lunch, my favorite was Papa Murphy’s heart-shaped pizzas.  I’ve also cut bread into hearts with a cookie cutter so we had heart-shaped sandwiches.

I love to cook, so we have a special meal on Valentine’s Day. We usually always have heart-shaped angel biscuits.

This year, I bought filet mignon since it’s just Steve & me. I have a recipe for tournedos from my Julia Child cookbook.  I hope it turns out well.

5.  Enjoy Your Day

We had a light day of homeschooling on Valentine’s Day, if we schooled at all that day.  Some years we hosted a party for friends.

Other years, we simply enjoyed time together as a family.  If you’ve never done it before, surprise your kids & take a break from homeschooling tomorrow.

You still have a few hours to make Valentine’s Day special for your entire family.  It’s not just about husbands’ & wives’ love for each other.  It’s celebrating your love with your kids, too.

What else could you do as a family to celebrate Valentine’s Day?

I’ve compiled 83 Family Valentines Day Ideas (value $10) into a printable…just for you … and they’re free through February 17. You’ll receive:

  • Top 10 Ways to Celebrate Valentines Day as a Family
  • History of Valentine’s Day
  • Fun Valentine’s Ideas
  • Long Distance Valentine Ideas
  • Valentine’s Day Cards
  • Valentine’s Day Games & Crafts
  • Valentine’s Day Around the World

All you have to do is enter your name and email below. We will send all 83 Valentine’s Day ideas to your inbox.

Question: How does your family celebrate Valentine’s Day?
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