So glad you’re here because I love sharing fun ways to encourage your kids to learn, especially gardening & plants. Let’s have fun with plants right now.
Grab all of them at 43% discount and have fun with your kids as you learn together. That’s only $19 … the price of one of these Activity Packs.
Even if you own one of these already, this is a steal of a deal. Stop the overwhelm trying to create it yourself. Use our prepared Plants Activity Packs to make homeschooling much simpler.
Take a look at what’s included:
Value $10
Simplify your life, homeschool mom, with the already prepared for you, Plant Lapbook.
Let your kids have fun learning about flowers, parts of the plant, life cycles and more.
They will even have a chance to practice their writing with a Plant Report
Value $7
Our Leaf Activity Pack is perfect for younger kids as they have fun collecting leaves and also learning more about a leaf.
You’ll have fun with
Value $10
Do you have crafty kids?
Or, maybe kids who don’t like Science, but enjoy art. Our Plant Life Cycle Pictures is perfect for them.
You’ll learn all about these life cycles & processes:
Value $7
Beans are a simple way to learn about plants. It was one of my favorite activities as a fifth grade teacher.
Not only will you receive the Bean Plant Activity Pack, you’ll receive instructions on how to grow bean and see both the root and plant growth. Super-easy!
In this Activity Pack, you’ll get:
Value $10
You may not learn more Science, but your kids will have FUN making their own flower origami.
By the time you finish, your kids will create the following flowers in origami: