Are you struggling to encourage your kids to actually enjoy learning. I get it. My kids didn’t always enjoy learning.
I needed help and my guess is . . . .you could use some help, also.
To help you overcome the struggle to get your kids to like homeschooling, I created our Ocean Unit Study.
Our Unit Studies encourage your kids to learn more about Oceans with fun books, videos, crafts and snacks.
No multiple choice tests.
No textbooks.
Only real books. Real living books.
Kids love animals.
Kids love the beach.
Let’s use them together to inspire a love of learning & have FUN
If your kids complain about learning or homeschooling, this is for you.
Even if your kids don’t complain, they will have fun learning with our brand, new Ocean Unit Study, complete with books, fun activities, snacks and printables for your kids to enjoy learning.
The Ocean Unit Study is intended for the whole family to learn together. Although it is geared towards elementary & middle school ages, kindergarteners and preschoolers will have fun learning, too. Plus, older siblings can plan these unit studies for the younger siblings.
This unit study is based on books about each ocean animal, which includes:
We choose books, videos and activities to encourage learning.
Kerry’s materials are well-written, thoughtful and true to life. Plus they have the successors to show they have had success!
Helen, Toto, Guam
Take a look at the types of resources included.
–Books at different age levels
–Master Book List to get organized
–Hands-On Activities
–Video for further learning
–Printable set
–Snack ideas
I don’t know about you, but my kids paid more attention & had FUN learning when they saw food was involved in our lesson.
In addition to the books, videos, crafts, snacks and activities, you will receive a digital copy of our printables. You’ll have a set of printables for each ocean animal.
Use these printables to reinforce what your kids learn in the books and videos. After reading a book, chose one page in our printables to complete.
These are fun ways to record learning.
NOTE: You don’t need to buy a set for each child. Make as many copies of the printables for your immediate family, so each child has their own copy.
Gather the family together each day & start reading about ocean animals. Let your children choose the first animal you study. They’ll be more excited if they choose.
The books and activities in the unit study are chosen to teach your kids more about the biology of oceans and marine life.
Thank you for your resources. I really appreciate what you’re doing. I’m glad there are others out there casting the vision of parents taking the responsibility to *educate* their children (dads, especially need this) not just letting someone else *school* them.
Grace to you, Mike
How much will it cost to get started with the Ocean Unit Study?
Each of the 6 Ocean Animals in this Unit Study sell for $10 each. If you bought them individually, you would pay $60. But, we’ve bundled them together, so you pay only $30… getting ALL the resources you need to inspire a love of learning about marine biology.
I can’t believe I’m reducing it so much. I know how stretched you are financially and timewise, as a homeschool mom. So, I want to make this a no-brainer.
Seriously, I’m taking on all the risk!
Try this today. I can’t wait to hear how your kids start to enjoy learning
It’s time to start having fun in your homeschool. Just because your kids are having fun, doesn’t mean they aren’t learning. I know, double negative. But you get the point.
You’ll find crafts for your creative kids.
You’ll find Science activities for your “figure-it-out” kids.
You’ll find storybooks for your “book-loving” kids.
Something for everyone to learn. Even Fancy Nancy books teach about jellyfish.
100% Risk Free
Your success in using this powerful approach to educating your children is completely guaranteed. In fact, here’s my 100% Better-Than-Risk-Free-Take-it-To-The-Bank Guarantee:
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
If you aren’t 100% satisfied – I don’t expect…or want…to keep your money. Simply send off a quick email to me and I’ll happily refund your money in full. That means you can’t lose no matter what!
This product is digital. Nothing will be shipped to you in the mail.
NOTE: By grabbing this resource, you will receive How to Homeschool My Child newsletters and other online homeschool information.