Are you homeschooling multiple ages? Is it hard to juggle all those balls between each kids. Let’s find tools for learning you can use in any subject area, no matter how many kids you have. If you’re looking for a method that really works & cuts out busy work, consider notebooking pages.

When we took our kids out of school, one of the things I wanted to get rid of was all the busy work. Most classroom activities don’t truly educate kids. I should know because I was a public school teacher who saw lots of busy work.
Purposeful & Intentional Tools for Learning
I wanted something better for our kids … to be more intentional so they absorbed what they were learning. The notebooking method gave them a chance to transfer what was in their head to paper, without all the busywork.
You know what I mean … you’re probably tired of all the worksheets, too. Multiple choice, true-false and other busy work has been around the last 50 or 60 years. I wanted to exchange that nonsense for educational activities that would be more purposeful, intentional education.
Notebooking Pages Save Time, Money, Frustration
With notebooking, not only were my kids learning more, it was saving me time. I didn’t have a to write individual lesson plans for every single subject in every single grade. Let’s say you have 3 children with 6 subjects per day. When you calculate it, you’re writing 126 lesson plans each week. Then, multiply that for the entire year and you have 5040 lesson plans each year.
Not only does notebooking save time, it also saves money. You don’t have to buy a curriculum for every single subject. Finally, notebooking can save you frustration as your kids quit busy work and enjoy their learning.
How to Use Notebooking & Tools for Learning with Multiple Ages?
First of all, you can choose a topic to study altogether. For instance, our family studied history together. In our study together, we read out loud together, but each of the kids read their own book, on their level. So, each child would record in their notebook what they were learning, at their level.
Think about it. Writing is simply thinking on paper. Notebooking allows your children to write down what they are learning. Thus, education is improved with our free notebooking pages.
To help mom . . . When you study one historical time period, you are able to simplify my homeschool and reduce stress in my homeschool.
With free notebooking pages by clicking here , you’ll choose a topic for your family to study. Find the notebooking pages and print for each child. As you study, your child can record different things they learn. Be sure to watch the video below to “see” examples of notebooks.
Although I highly recommend getting our free notebooking pages, you can skip that and make your own notebook pages templates . It will take you more time, but it is possible. You could buy a spiral notebook and let your kids draw and record what they learn.
What are the Educational Benefits of Notebooking?
I’ve already mentioned how free notebooking pages will simplify your homeschool, reduce stress and overwhelm. You may be wondering if notebooking is actually educational. Let’s look at some benefits of using notebooking, instead of busy work.
- Notebooking engages your child in learning.
This method requires children to understand the topic well enough to write about it on paper. Children are no longer dependent on having to find the answer key offers. They can explain their solutions. - Notebooking encourages delight, directed learning.
In other words, your kids choose a topic they’re interested in. They create a notebook to share what they learn. Right now, it’s springtime, so you might want to grow a garden. Your kids could keep an entire garden notebook as well. - Notebooking integrates many subject areas together.
You don’t need prepackaged answers or special curriculum. As you study the topic, language arts are completely interwoven into notebooking. Your kids will automatically learn more about grammar, spelling, writing. All of those skills are intertwined into notebooking. - Kids become more confident in their writing, hopefully without tears.
- Notebooking provides a chance to document your child’s learning over the years.
- Notebooking pages offer a great review tool.
When it’s time to review what you’ve studied, your kids can use their notebook. - Notebooks are good keepsakes as well. Like I said, we’ve already given a lot away.
Free Notebooking Pages as Tools for Learning
To help you create lifelong learners who will lead & influence for Jesus, you need to give your children the tools for learning. Notebooking is one of the best tools of learning to give your child. Once they understand how to use it, they can use notebooking for any type of learning.
I believe it is important that we raise our kids to love learning and become lifelong learners. When they know how to record what’s in their mind, they can learn anything, without being dependent on a teacher or someone else to teach them. Notebooking offers freedom for our students as they go out on their own.
Let’s give your kids the tools for learning so they can learn for a lifetime.
It’s super simple. You’ll need some simple supplies, including

How Do You Get Started?
- A 3-Ring Binder or binding tool
- Variety of paper, including colored paper
- Get your favorite arts and crafts supplies
- Writing utensils
You are set. Seriously, it is that simple.
Now, just dig into your topic. If you want inspiration, check out our 6 types of notebooks for homeschooling.
What Should you Include in Your Notebooks?
- written narrations from material studied in books they have read or real life experiences
- collections of quotes from philosophers, experts, missionaries, statesman, etc.
- photographs, ticket stubs, and information from field trips
- maps of places and events studied
- timelines
- drawings from your child’s imagination that express his ideas about the particular topic
- sketches of objects, animals, famous art, or places being studied
- collections of items such as leaves, pressed flowers, and seeds for a study like botany
- pictures from hands-on activities or experiments completed during the study
- nature photos, sketches, and journaled thoughts
- your child’s handwritten copies of favorite scripture, poetry or selections from favorite literature
This is just the tip of the “Notebooking” iceberg.
Get started today. Stop the overwhelm. Quit the busy work.
Use tools of learning that really educate and stop the busy work!
Click Here to get Free Notebooking Pages
To help you get started, grab these Free Notebooking Pages right here. You’ll also receive more notebooking information, freebies, products, articles, and tips, as well as for a variety of other free homeschooling charts and printables.
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