206 Fun Things to Do in the Summer for Kids … and Still Learn

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

Summer is here for most families. What might you do with all that free time? What fun things to do in the summer can your family enjoy?

Things to do in the summer with Free printable with 206 summer fun activities

As many of you know, we homeschooled from Labor Day to Memorial Day. I believed in taking a break. God rested on the seventh day, so our family rested in the summer. Before my “year-round” schoolers turn me off, let me explain.

When we took a break, it was a break from traditional, formal academics  . . . not a break from learning. Too often, we bring the public school mindset into our homeschool. We think that we must be doing “school” for our kids to learn. Or, that our kids will forget what we teach them during a break.

Not so!

My kids learned all summer long, despite the fact we did not homeschool. How did they learn? What things to do in the summer did our kids enjoy?

– Library Summer Reading Club
– Field Trips
– Daily reading aloud as a family
– Baking, Sewing, Cleaning (yes, this involves learning)
– Special projects
– Science kits
– Art projects
– Staycation Opportunities
– Asking questions at meal times
– Daily Bible Devotions

That’s just a short list of activities. Each one involves learning. It’s a different kind of learning. it’s real life learning. It’s not formal learning, but it is learning nonetheless.

And when they say, “I’m bored”, here’s what you can do.

Things to do in the summer with Free printable with 206 summer fun activities

If you’d like some ideas for this summer, you can grab our 206 Fun Summer Activities right here.

If you want your kids to learn naturally, you (the parent) must be intentional and pay attention. Pay attention to the questions your child asks. Instead of thinking, “Really? Another question!”, use that question as a learning opportunity. Even activities that seem mindless & fun can be a chance to learn together.

As you plan your day, be intentional with your daily activities. One way I was intentional was to continue read aloud every morning, even through the summer. My kids were reading on their own for the Summer Reading Program. I wanted to model reading as pleasure through our read alouds.

What are some ways that your kids learn informally through the summer?

How can you be intentional and pay attention to informal learning opportunities?

On a side note . . .

I strongly believe that all homeschoolers need a break from formal learning, even year-round homeschoolers. Last month, Heather Laurie shared their family’s year-round plan. This plan involves resting from homeschool. It also follows a Biblical model. Heather’s home schools for six weeks, then takes a break for one week.

Think about it! I didn’t get it at first, then realized she was following God’s model. God worked for six days, then rested for one day. If you homeschool year-round, when do you take a “real” break.

Get your 206 Fun Summer Activities (retail $8.00) right here for a limited time.

After you get this list, feel free to print it, cut them out and put each one in a jar. Let your kids choose one when they are “bored”.

Here’s what one mom had to say …

“I got it! Thank you so much! I get so tired of hearing “I’m bored” all the time! lol!”

ps. What are some fun things to do in the summer that your kids learn informally through the summer?

How can you be intentional and pay attention to informal learning opportunities?

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  1. I would LOVE to take the entire summer off! How do your kids retain the academics they learned with that much time off? My son learns so much in a school year that I’m scared to take too much time off. I would hate it if we had to relearn material. Would love to know if you’re reviewing material over the summer and how.

    1. Stephanie,
      Sorry for a tardy reply. I was on a mission trip in El Salvador and just now catching up. I tried to be intentional in our summer activities so their minds were always challenged. If they forgot a few concepts, I did not worry because we spent September reviewing. We also integrated our learning into real life so they were using the ideas they had learned.

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