Things to Be Thankful For

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit
things to be thankful for

Today marks a new year of 30 Days of Thanksgiving Ideas. I’ll start with making a list of things to be thankful for as a family.

Over the next 30 days, I will post thanksgiving ideas from many different bloggers. You’ll get ideas for preschoolers, elementary, secondary and many for your entire family. We will focus on ways to encourage your kids to be thankful or celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday.

I have several friends who will contribute to our 30 Days of Thanksgiving ideas and I’ll share some of my ideas, as well. I’d love to send you an email each day with that day’s Thanksgiving idea. All you have to do to get the free Thanksgiving idea is sign up in the box to the right (under Free Lessons & Activities) —>>

things to be thankful for

Well, let’s get started!

‘Things to Be Thankful For’ List

When we lived in Idaho (early 2000’s), the kids & I kept a list of thanks on our refrigerator. Every time I opened the frig, I was reminded of something to which I could be thankful. How did it work?

Every time we thought of something we were thankful for, we wrote it on the list.  Back then, it was just a piece of typing paper. But I have your back. You can get my ‘Things to Be Thankful For’ printable by entering your name & email below. Just check your inbox for the downloads.

things to be thankful for

Keeping a ‘Thankful List’ is an awesome project for the month of November. I believe you will see the power of gratitude as a family. It will help you and your kids focus on the good things in your lives, instead of the problems. It will also help you focus on what God is doing for you.

Whenever you or your kids think of something else to be thankful, go add it to your refrigerator list of thanks. By the end of November, you’ll have a great list.

Family Prayer List

One of my favorite ways to use our ‘Things to Be Thankful For’ List is as a prayer list . . . prayer list of thanksgiving. Each morning at breakfast, grab your list and let each family member thank God for one of the items on your list.

Question: What are the first things on your Things to Be Thankful For List? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

30 Days of Thanksgiving Ideas

Things to Be Thankful For {Day 1}

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