19 Thanksgiving Writing Prompts

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Thanksgiving is just one week away, so let’s integrate homeschool into your Thanksgiving celebration.  Today, I’m sharing Thanksgiving writing prompts to help you in your homeschool. If you scroll around on my blog, you’ll find other Thanksgiving activities for kids.

Thanksgiving Writing Prompts and free printables for your kids in homeschooling

Today is sweet and simple. . . 5 writing prompts to help your kids write about being thankful or the holiday Thanksgiving. If you want all 19 prompts, read on.

  1. What is your favorite part of Thanksgiving Day? Why?
  2. Who is one person you are thankful for? Write them a thank you note.
  3. If you could invite anyone to your Thanksgiving dinner, who would it be? Why?
  4. Describe your family’s Thanksgiving traditions.
  5. Would you rather have been a Pilgrim or Indian at the first Thanksgiving? Why?

Thanksgiving Writing Prompts and free printables for your kids in homeschooling

If you would like 19 Thanksgiving or thankful writing prompts you can print out for your kids, be sure to sign up for our Thanksgiving Writing Prompts printable below. You’ll even find two copies of each writing prompt, one for primary writers and one for older writers. I’ve included a small image on each prompt for those that want color.

19 Thanksgiving Writing Prompts - free printables

How to Homeschool My Child

Question: What Thanksgiving writing prompt would you like to share with other homeschoolers? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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