FREE Thanksgiving Bible Study

I finished the first part of my Thanksgiving Bible study and want to give it to you…for free! It’s a word study on “eucharisteo”, the Greek word for thanks. There are a few questions about eucharisteo in the beginning and then a chart for all the verses where this word is used in the New Testament.

Free Thanksgiving Bible Study for Families ...prepare your kids to give thanks

I finished the first part of my Thanksgiving Bible study and want to give it to you. And it’s free! It’s a word study on “eucharisteo”, the Greek word for thanks. First of all, there are a few questions about eucharisteo in the beginning.  Then a chart for all the verses where this word is used in the New Testament.

Thanksgiving Bible Study

Be sure to let your kids do this study with you. This is a great tool for your highschoolers to learn how to do a word study in the Bible. For your little ones, look up one or two of the verses and have them copy them down or act them out.

In conclusion, you will find a few follow-up questions so you & your kids can apply the truths of eucharisteo. Let it be your Bible in homeschooling this season.

So . . . to get your FREE Bible Study on Thanksgiving, just enter your email below and we’ll send it to you immediately.

When you sign up (above), you’ll also receive a link to Part 2 – A Short Study of Thanksgiving in Philippians.

Short study in Thanksgiving - FREE Thanksgiving Bible study from 30 days of Thanksgiving activities for kids

As you study thanksgiving & eucharisteo, please share your discoveries. Your feedback will help us as you we publish other items in the future. So … post a comment below with your thoughts.

Question: How are you teaching Biblical thankfulness to your kids? What did you discover about thanksgiving & eucharisteo? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

Free Thanksgiving Bible study for Families - from 30 Days of Thanksgiving Activities for Kids

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    1. Kate,
      I’m sorry you were unable to get the form to work. I have manually entered your information so you should have the Thanksgiving Bible Study in the next hour. Check your email. Thanks so much for your interest in our study.

        1. I manually added you to the Bible study. You should receive an email in the next few hours. I’m sorry for all the hassle.

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