30 Days of Thanksgiving Activities for Kids – In EVERYthing Give Thanks

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NOTE: Today I’m sharing a “30 Days of Thanks” activity. Why? Tomorrow I have something special to share with you. Watch for updates.

Do you ever learn Biblical truths when you read a novel?

I do!

in this mountain by Jan Karon ~ HowToHomeschoolMyChild.comLast year, I finished reading In This Mountain, by Jan Karon (again). Towards the end of the story, Father Tim has a hard time pulling together a sermon. I completely understand because I sometimes have a hard time pulling together a blog post or online workshop.

In the wee hours of the morning, it comes to Father Tim and he preaches a sermon based on four words!

In everything give thanks . . .

It caused me to think about this verse. I often thank God for the good things in my life and rarely ever thank God for the troubles & problems.  What about you? Do you thank God for the problems in your life?

Personally, I don’t like arguing with my husband.
Or, see my kids struggle as adults.
Or, not have a place to minister locally.

But, God says to give thanks in EVERYthing, so I will begin to do so.  As you may know, I keep a journal of thanks. I’m going to start listing both good & bad things in that journal.

Why give thanks for the problems in my life?  Let’s read the rest of the verse.

In everything give thanks for this is the will of God. 
I Thessalonians 5:18

It’s Scriptural. God wants us to say thank you for everything. Even the bad things in our life are used by God to make us more Christ-like. For me, it’s usually the struggles that cause me to trust God more and be more like my Savior, Jesus.

day 6 - 30 days of thanksgiving activities for kids ~ HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com

Thanksgiving Activities for Kids

What about your kids?

Do you teach them to give thanks for everything?

To be perfectly honest, I helped them say thanks for the blessings that God gave our family. I wish I had thought through this verse to help them give thanks for their struggles.  Then, they make a life-long habit of saying thanks to God for everything in their lives.

Hopefully I can encourage my grandkids in this area.

To keep track of things to be thankful, you might keep a list. You can get my ‘Things to Be Thankful For’ printable by entering your name & email below. Just check your inbox for the downloads.

things to be thankful for

Question: What are your thoughts about “in everything give thanks”? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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One Comment

  1. I am trying to find books like the Father Tim stories because I want to have nice stories to read. Thank you for a great post.

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