Thank You to Your Parents {30 Days of Thanks – Day 1}

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30 days of thanksgiving activities for kids ~ HowToHomeschoolMyChild.comFor the past several years, I have posted daily ideas to celebrate the upcoming holiday of Thanksgiving. This year I’m going to mix things up a bit. I’m still going to have a few suggestions about Thanksgiving activities for kids, but I will also pend time sharing stories of gratitude from sending thank you cards for the next 30 days.

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My mom’s card thanking her for the example of wife & mom she gave me

Yesterday I introduced our 30 Day Gratitude Challenge. Today, I want to start our 30 day challenge by suggesting you send a card to one of your parents. If you have kids that have taken our 30 Days of Thanks Challenge, help them write a thank you card to one of their parents.

I’ve sent lots of cards to my parents.  When I first sent them cards, they were a generic card that I sent to my entire family.  My dad questioned why I sent the cards.

Thank Your Parents

That is until I sent a card celebrating my mom’s 70th birthday.  It had pictures of our entire family.  Our family hadn’t been altogether for 4 years, so it was a special day.  When my mom called about receiving the card, she told me how much my dad liked it.  She said, “He’s told me many times how special that card was to him.”

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Card thanking my Dad for his wisdom & encouragement in my life

I was shocked and learned a great lesson.  I need to send personalized cards that are meaningful to each person. Since that time, I continue to send personal cards to my parents.  I’ve even sent cards with specific reasons I am so thankful to have them as my parents.

When my dad got one of those cards, he told me how much it meant to him.  I think he might have cried over that card.  When my mom got one of those cards, I know she cried.

My parents know how much I love them, but it brings us so much closer when I express my love to them in writing and in pictures.

Why wait until they are gone to say good things about them?
I am so thankful I can share my feelings right now.

My Parents Don't Talk to Me

If you are saying to yourself, “Kerry, I don’t have a good relationship with my parents.” All the more reason to send a card.  I’ve seen gratitude cards heal relationships.  Here’s what one dad had to say after sending a gratitude card to his daughter.

The best was the healing with my daughter who was estranged with me over personal matters. She called on Father’s Day and I saw her 3 days later on her 46th birthday. I am invited to visit her and the family in a few weeks in NC. Why would anyone not do this?

That’s my question…  Why would anyone NOT do this?

Use my ‘How to Write a Thank You Letter’ free printable to get started. Just fill in your name & email below to receive the outline. Print out one for each thank you card your child needs to write.

how to write a thank you letter outline

How to Homeschool My Child

Question: What can you thank your parents for? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

ps. On some days in November, I’ll be making 2 posts – 1 for our 30 Days of Thanks Challenge and the other as a suggestion of Thanksgiving activities for kids . . .

Details for 30 Day Gratitude Challenge can be printed here
30 Days Gratitude Challenge sponsored by Couple Next Door Cards

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