Thank you to Missionaries {30 Days of Thanks}

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

Day 24 Gratitude Card Idea: Missionaries

day24 - send thanks to missionaries - {30 days of thanksgiving activities for kids } ~

As I was reading Philippians this morning, I was impressed by the fact that Paul begins most letters thanking that church.

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you…for your fellowship (or participation) in the gospel from the first day until now. Philippians 1:3-5

In Philippians, he is thankful for their participation in the gospel. I believe the Philippians church sent money to Paul so he could further the gospel. (see 4:15 – no church shared with me concerning giving & receiving but you only)

What is Paul’s response?

Give Thanks!

He gives thanks because the Gospel is being spread through their gifts. What should your response be as you see missionaries spreading the Gospel?

Give Thanks!

Thank God that the Gospel is spreading through missionaries. Then, take a moment to thank a missionary for their work & sacrifice in the Gospel. That’s what I did today.

day24 - give thanks to missionaries {30 days of thanksgiving activities for kids} ~

Side Note:

If you keep reading Philippians 1, you’ll see that Paul reminds the Philippians that being in prison turned out for the good. When he was in prison, he was able to share the Gospel and encourage believers to do the same.

…the things that happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel…and most of the brethren…are much more bold to speak the word without fear. Philippians 1:12-14

Thanksgiving Activities for Kids

…and Application to You & Me

  1. Give Thanks!
  2. Give thanks to God in difficult situations so that His Gospel is furthered. Follow Paul’s example of being thankful in the midst of trials.
  3. Write a thank you note to a missionary your family supports.  For help on how to write thank you notes, see this blog post here.

How to Homeschool My Child

Use my ‘How to Write a Thank You Letter’ free printable to get started. Just fill in your name & email below to receive the outline. Print out one for each thank you card your child needs to write.

how to write a thank you letter outline

how to simplify your homeschool
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