Teaching Writing to Sons {Question of the Day}

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Hi, I’m a homeschool mom and a friend of mine suggested IEW for a writing curriculum for my 2nd grader. We haven’t done a lot of writing because he’s not motivated by anything I’ve tried – curriculum or otherwise.

I’ve researched IEW and it sounds good but I thought that in order to use it you had to buy the expensive CD to learn to teach it. When I read your description of All Things Fun & Fascinating, it didn’t sound that way.

Can you give me your thoughts?

Whether I could use this book or one of your others for my son?

You seem like a nice person, so I hope you don’t mind me asking you.

Thanks so much!


The Institute of Excellence in Writing provides the best resource I have found for teaching writing. I used it with my own kids for 10 years. They still use concepts from IEW in their college & business writing.

All Things Fun & Fascinating can be used with a young elementary student, if they can write complete sentences and use simple grammar concepts. Simple grammar concepts include starting a sentence with a capital letter and ending sentences with a punctuation mark.

Teaching Writing & Student Writing Combo - Save $$$ from HowToHomeschoolMyChild.comYou can use this as a stand-alone program, but I always recommend Teaching Writing: Structure & Style as a basis for teaching writing with IEW. Teaching Writing is the foundation of all theme-based writing lessons, as well as Student Writing Intensive and other writing resources.

Teaching Writing teaches the teacher/mom how to be a better writing teacher. It gives complete details for each lesson & each of the 9 units. If you use Teaching Writing in addition to Fun & Fascinating, you will have a better understanding of each lesson and how to help your child improve his own writing.

I hope this helps. Thanks for your interest & let me know if you have any other questions.


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