Teaching Kids Responsibility & Work {Labor Day Special}

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I’ve been reading about labor & work in my quiet time, when I realized it was Labor Day.  What a good time to  share some ideas in teaching kids responsibility & work.   Some of these ideas are ones I mentioned on Homeschool
Super Heroes.


Before I share these ideas, remember that it is more important that you “model” a good work ethic for your kids.

  • Do you cheerfully work around your home?
  • Would your kids know that your job is well done?
  • Do you work to the best of your ability?
  • Do your kids see you help others outside your home?

Your kids will learn more about working from the way you work. However, I think it’s important to talk to your kids about work from God’s perspective.

1.  Work With Your Hands

Paul tells the Corinthians that “we labor, working with our own hands.” (I Cor 4:12)  Your kids should learn to work with their own hands, too.

Teaching Kids Responsibility clean carAs toddlers, they can clean up their toys and put them in a laundry basket.  As they get older, they can clear the dinner table and wipe it down.  As they get even older, they can clean the windows outside or clean your car.

Your kids have many opportunities to learn to work with their hands.  Hopefully, you aren’t one of those moms who does all the work around the house; hopefully, you are letting your kids learn how to work around the house.

2.  Jobs Come In Variety of Shapes & Sizes

Paul also tells the Corinthians “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase” (I Cor 3:6)  The first principle in this verse is we each have different jobs or abilities.

In your home, you can teach your kids to do different jobs as they grow up.  As everyone in the family works together, your home will be cleaned & operate smoothly.  This teaches the idea of “working together for a greater goal”.

This is also true of the family of God, in your church. As we all work together or the Lord, God’s overall work is accomplished. Here are a few ideas for your kids to work in the church.

  • Pick up bulletins after the service
  • Volunteer in the nursery
  • Visit with widows/widowers before or after the service
  • What do your kids do to work in your church?

3.  Work is done on Jesus Foundation

Paul goes on to say, “No other foundation an anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” (I Cor 3:11)
All our work is laid on the foundation of Jesus Christ.  Without Him, our work is nothing.

When your kids complain about a job or helping their sibling, remind them who their master is: Jesus Christ.  Train your kids to keep Jesus in mind as they do their chores, help their siblings, work for their neighbors.

4.  God Rewards Your Work

As the earlier verse states, Paul & Apollos worked, but God gave the reward.  God increased the results of their work.

Teach your children that God blesses your work, even around the house.  I believe this is a good time to show your kids the importance of working outside your home, reaching out to those around you.

Work involves more than working at home.  Work should involve work outside your home.Teaching Kids Responsibility volunteer


  • Feeding the neighbors pets & getting their mail when they are gone
  • Babysitting a young mom’s kids so she can have a free afternoon
  • Raking leaves for the elderly at your church
  • Cooking a meal for a family with a new baby
  • Visiting or volunteering at nursing homes
  • Volunteering at pediatric wing of hospitals

All of these ideas involve working with your hands, do a unique job and leaving it to God for the blessing.

What other jobs do your kids do outside your home?
What do your kids do to work in your church?

How to Homeschool My Child

ps.  If you are encouraged by this blog, please leave a comment about work & your kids.  It would mean so much to me.

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  1. Yes it was encouring to me. But we are really homestayers. We usually stay home all week till Saturday when we go to town to do our shopping. Then Sundays we go to brother Johns for fellowship. I like to get my girls to help with the dishes there. But again sometimes I like to let them just play with their cousins so they get a break. But I think they get too many breaks though. This week my sister-in-law and her 9 children came to help us butcher our 25 chickens. We help each other whenever possible. But it is quite a distance between us. And it doesn’t happen a lot. Also I would like to help our neighbors more. But I am not a good housekeeper. And my work seems to always be piled high. So my husband would like for me to do my work before thinking about doing somebody else’s. We expect to have another brother living close by us before too long then we may have someone to help then too Lord willing and we live. We are trying to garden too besides homeschool and chores etc. theres much cleaning and mending to do and sewing I’d like to get done before the end of the year when we expect an addition to the family. Or maybe two by then. Because Joe has a nephew which might come to stay with us to work for Joe. Or he may bring another helper with him. And we are expecting another baby then. Do we got much to keep busy with. With me not being a good manager.

    1. Sarah,
      I definitely think you should take care of your own home first. My thoughts to working outside the home is to find SIMPLE ways for your kids to reach out to help someone. Maybe your kids could bake cookies for a family when they have a new baby. My kids loved baking and loved sharing with others. Keep it SIMPLE.

  2. What a wonderful way to implement God into the day to day chores of our children. So easy to forget that even the most menial jobs serve a purpose unto Him & our doing them w/ glad & willing heart is another way of teaching our families different ways of honoring Him

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