Teaching History from a Christian Worldview {Principle Approach}

When you use the Biblical Principle approach for homeschooling, you’ll use a Biblical worldview in all the subjects you study.  So, let’s talk about teaching history in your homeschool, from a Christian worldview.

teaching history from a Christian Worldview - learn how from HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com

In a nutshell, you’ll analyze history from a Biblical worldview. Michelle Miller, of TruthQuest History, uses 2 questions to see the worldview of any society.

Who is God to this society?
Who is man?

You’ll learn a lot about history by just asking those two questions. These questions help you see who is in charge of a society and how society treats mankind.  If you want your children to have a Biblical worldview of history, you should analyze these questions through the grid of Scripture.

When you look at Ancient Egypt, you begin by asking who is god? It was Pharaoh. Even after the Pharaohs died, they were still god because Egyptians believe Pharaohs come back in an afterlife.

The next question to ask about Ancient Egypt is “Who is man?”  Most men were slaves to the Pharaoh.  The slaves must obey the Pharaoh.  Slaves built pyramids & other monuments to Pharaoh.

As you study Ancient Egypt, you can read historical fiction to give your children a better understanding of life & culture of that time period. For Ancient Egypt, I highly recommend Golden Goblet (younger kids),  Mara, Daughter Of The Nile  (older kids),  and Cat of Bubastes (family read aloud).  All of these books allow your kids a peek into the culture of Ancient Egypt, tying it all together.

teaching history from a Biblical worldview - look at TruthQuest History from HowToHomeschoolMyChild.comYou can apply this process to other time periods, as well. TruthQuest History uses this process of analyzing society and reading living books.   TruthQuest History includes the following to help you give your kids a Biblical worldview of history.

  • Biblical history commentary
  • Reading list for all ages
  • Organized chronologically
  • Writing assignments

In essence, teaching history from a principle approach will encourage you to look at cultures from a Christian worldview.  Compare your Bible to the culture as you analyze history.  In my opinion, TruthQuest History is a great resource to help you study history from a Christian worldview – at ALL ages.

For a complete and detailed description of the Biblical Principle Approach, grab a copy of our paperback, Approaches to Christian Homeschooling (with $160 in bonus items on Amazon)

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