With elections this Tuesday, I’d like to share some fun activities for kids on teaching government & elections. Be sure to get my FREE Elections & Government Literature Unit Study below.
Click on any image to learn more.
FREE Printables to go along with books about teaching elections
Even when my kids were older, we read simple picture books to learn concepts. I highly recommend the following picture books for ALL ages. They’re easy to read & you’ll learn more about elections.
Click on any book to learn more about that book.
More Resources to go along with a book about elections
For a limited time, you can get this unit study, normally $10, for free. What’s included? Glad you asked!
Make learning FUN with our literature unit study.
Government & Elections Literature Unit Study includes the title of four books (Executive, Legislative, Judicial, Elections) and activities you can do with each one. You’ll also receive a book list for further reading and a video list for elementary kids learning about government.
Just enter your name & email below and we’ll zip it on over to you.
.Question: Do you take your kids when you vote? You can leave a comment by clicking here.