Teach Them Diligently Family Registration {HSHW Giveaway}

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

Once again, you have a chance to win a giveaway today!

Hunter Beck - FREE homeschooling interviews | HomeschoolSuperHeroes.comRemember, each morning we will send an email with the url for that day’s interviews and our current giveaway.  Today, you’ll be hearing Hunter Beck & Stephen Beck. Each one is talking about having their own business. Hunter had a kid business (Marshmallow Gun business) and Steve has several family businesses (Beck Construction, FamilyEbiz to name a few)

Tomorrow you will be hearing from Leslie Nunnery.

If you want to win one of our giveaways, all you have to do is post a comment on our blog or enter any other way listed below. Today Leslie Nunnery is giving away a Family Registration Package to any 2015 Teach Them Diligently Conference.

Family Registration Package to any
2015 Teach Them Diligently Conference

The Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention is a Christian homeschool convention that celebrates the focus of Christian home education — that is, the discipleship of children to glorify God. More than simply a convention about home education, we purposefully develop the themes of Missions, discipleship, and Christian parenting in addition to the traditional academic “how-to’s.”

We believe home education is a form of ministry. Whether we realize it or not, we reproduce who we are in our children, and consequently, homeschool families have a constant need for renewal and encouragement in Christ. This is the reason for Christian homeschool conventions; at least, this is the reason for the Teach Them Diligently Convention.

If you are a Christian homeschool family, this is the convention you want to attend. Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention is an experience that you don’t want to miss, and built for the entire family!

Remember, each interview will only be available for the time indicated below (& written on the website) You can listen to the interview any time during the 2 hour period that it is available. Be sure to start listening at least 45 minutes before time is up.

You’ll notice most speakers cover more than one topic. That’s a great reason to listen to the entire interview.

If you can’t make an interview, remember you can always get the recordings.

You can still get all 15 interviews for only $37!  You’ll also get professionally-edited transcripts of each interview. And, for the busy homeschool mom, we’ve created “Cheat Sheets” so you can have a quick-reference with highlights from each interview. You can get your copy here:


NOTE: We are donating 10% Homeschool Super Hero sales to Compassion…

The price on our package increases when the interviews end on August 29, 2014.

Talk soon,

How to Homeschool my Child

a Rafflecopter giveaway

how to simplify your homeschool
There may be affiliate links used in this post.


  1. I have enjoyed the sessions you have offered for Homeschool super heroes. I also love the way you encourage Moms and Dads to help their children through the right path (for them) for their education and a business

    1. I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the sessions so far. I was praying today they would be a success in ministering to homeschoolers.

    1. I agree. It’s so interesting to see how different homeschools can be for each family. I think we all need to find what works best for your family, while following God as He leads you.

    1. You’re so welcome. If you have suggestions for speakers throughout the year, let me know. I’m always looking for good speakers to share with my group.

  2. I would say it’s the encouragement in knowing that I’m not the only one going through the ups and downs of homeschooling.

    1. It is always encouraging to know that others struggle. When you look online, it can appear that everyone else has it altogether…everything looks perfect. Have you ever seen photos of a failed science experiment on facebook or pinterest??? 🙂 Nope! We want to show our best side, but we all struggle as we raise our kids to Godliness.

  3. I love that they address so many topics beyond basic academics….character/virtues, teaching a Biblical worldview. To me, these are the most difficult (and most important)to teach our children. Algebra is a breeze in comparison! 🙂

    1. You are so right. Character & Biblical training are so much more important than academics. When I talk about raising leaders, I start with a foundation of character. If older kids are not exhibiting Godly character, parents need to take a step back and start there. It can be tough, but God will see those parents through it. I agree that algebra is a breeze compared to molding our child’s hearts to God. thanks for your comment.

  4. I’m new to your site, but I love TTD! Looking around your site and it looks to be full of great information!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I’ve been guest posting for TTD and was excited to include Leslie in our Homeschool Super Heroes. She has a unique perspective about discipling our kids and making them mission-minded. Hope you enjoy my blog.

    1. You’re so welcome. If you have suggestions for speakers throughout the year, let me know. I’m always looking for good speakers to share with my group and would love your input.

  5. I really enjoy how you include the fathers. I love listening anyway, just because it reminds me I’m not alone, but that is unique. Love it!

    1. Our family has a heart for dads. Probably because my husband started his writing career by writing A Father’s Stew: Biblical Integration of Family, Work & Ministry. Dads need encouragement as much as anyone else. Dennis Gunderson’s talk on Wednesday night will be perfect for dads.

  6. I love hearing how others do homeschool, how they solve problems, and seeing their successes and failures. It is a great resource!

    1. That’s one reason we designed this series. To hear real life from homeschoolers and how they overcame failures.

    1. Kristina,
      If you have questions or topics you’d like us to cover in the upcoming year, please let me know.

  7. I would LOVE to go to a TTD! The conference that is more local to us every year doesn’t appear to be as focused as theirs are. I have heard great things about them and would love to get to go! Thanks for the chance to win it!

  8. My husband and I attended our first TTD conference this year. It was fantastic! We loved the encouragement for parenting and teaching our children and the Biblical focus of the conference. Thanks so much!!

  9. I have enjoyed all of the sessions I was able to access so far. I still think my favorite session was from I Choose Virtues. The fact that she shared her own personal trials with us was quite touching and my prayers continually go out to her and her family as well.

  10. We attended our first TTD conference this spring. We absolutely loved the encouragement and personal experiences shared by so many. I am also loving this series! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win registration to TTD and for organizing all the great speakers!

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