Sweet and Spicy Shrimp Recipe {Monday Meals}

Last weekend I spoke at Teach Them Diligently in Atlanta. On the first evening, I met my brother-in-law & sister-in-law for dinner at PF Changs.  By the time I arrived, they already had lettuce wraps.  Oh, so yummy!

When I got home, I was working on a menu for this week & saw a recipe for Chicken Lettuce Wraps. The recipe was more of a chicken salad on lettuce. I was craving the Asian lettuce wraps, so I decided to invent my own using shrimp. Here’s my Sweet and Spicy Shrimp Recipe and I hope you like it.

Use this Sweet and Spicy Shrimp Recipe for all sorts of meals - tacos, lettuce wraps, rice, pasta and more from HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com

I started with a Hot Wings recipe from The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Food from My Frontier cookbook. I love all her recipes, but didn’t have all the ingredients.  When I got home from Atlanta, I found out my car wouldn’t start, so my car was in the shop. I had to be inventive and use ingredients I had on hand.  Much to my surprise, I was out of brown sugar (ugh) and some other ingredients so I made substitutions & added some spices Steve & I enjoy.

The result was delicious &  I plan on making this again. If you don’t like shrimp, substitute whatever protein you enjoy – chicken, pork, beef. It’s a versatile recipe.

Before I share my recipe, let me explain why this is not titled Shrimp Lettuce Wraps. Originally, I wanted to make lettuce wraps because it would be low-fat and low-calorie. Only, I didn’t have any lettuce that was edible. (Yep, I had wilted, unusable lettuce).  And I was stranded at home with no car.

I didn’t want a lot of carbs from rice, so I found 2 very small pieces of leftover (homemade) focaccia bread from Easter. I split them in half, warmed them up & used them as the base for our dinner. Then, I poured the sweet and spicy shrimp on top and added a fruit salad. It was perfect.

If you’re looking for other Oven Free Dinner recipes, check out the cookbooks in this bundle by clicking here.


.Question: What are you cooking for dinner tonight? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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