Should You Be a Stay at Home Mom?

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

A couple of months ago I saw a question on one of the stay at home mom blogs. I replied to a mom who thought about going back to work instead of staying home. She was missing adult interaction. Hope this encourages some you.

Wow...something to think about.

First of all, I wouldn’t recommend getting a teaching certificate. I taught public school for six years & earned a Masters of Education, but it wasn’t what helped me raise my 3 kids.

Stay at Home Mom learningWhen I started homeschooling, I had to re-think & re-learn everything. I “unlearned” my public ed ways and taught myself how to give my kids the tools for learning, as well as a “love” of learning.

All my kids are grown now, two in college and one married. We homeschooled for 10 years. We also did private school & played sports in public school.

For years, I said I would never homeschool … too much isolation. (or so I thought)

Things change . . .
Due to the situation in our private school (4th grade), we pulled out. Homeschool was the best option.

If you are looking for adult interaction, I promise you can find it in homeschooling.

Depending on how you homeschool, you could spend every day in activities that would bring you near other adults. However, I don’t recommend that.

If you decide to homeschool, find a few activities or one co-op where you can develop some adult friends while your kids are learning.

A couple of months ago I saw a question on one of the stay at home mom blogs. I replied to a mom who thought about going back to work instead of staying homeFinally, I know you’ve been dreaming about going back to work. I would encourage you to see your kids as your life work for the next fifteen or so years. Babies & toddlers are tiring, but as they get older, you will enjoy them so much.

I’m so grateful I spent time developing a lifelong friendship with my kids. I’m so glad I was able to see my kids grow developmentally. I was there when they made achievements – taking their first step, reading their first sentence, hitting the baseball for the first time. I celebrated with them.

It seems like yesterday my kids were running to the back door when daddy got home from work. Time flies, so enjoy the little things now.  It won’t last forever.

Fast forward 20 years...

Beck girlsMy two daughters are my good friends. We eat breakfast once a week together. My 19 year old son hugs on me. If I hadn’t spent time with them growing up, I don’t think we would have that special, lifelong relationship.

I know I’m biased, but being a stay-at-home mom is the most rewarding & fulfilling job ever. It’s exhausting when they are young, but well worth it in the long run.

I”m praying for your decision 😉

What are your thoughts about staying at home or going back to work?




Kerry Beck encourages homeschool moms as they raise their children to godliness.  She has written Approaches to Homeschooling to help moms decide the best approach to homeschool their kids.  Read more about it by clicking here


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  1. Hi Kerry,

    Stopping by from UBP. Thank you for leaving your comments on my blog so that I can look you up. I especially appreciate your honesty in this particular post, as I have seen and heard many stay-at-home mums (not necessarily homeschooling) who question the value of what they do every day.

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