St Patricks Day Activities for Kids

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

Today is St Patricks Day – Are you wearing green?  🙂 🙂

I wanted to share these links earlier, but we’ve been on a mission trip in El Salvador.  It was fantastic working with Jehovah Jirah orphanage and the people living in the surrounding neighborhood (more on that in a later post)

Today I want to share some St Patricks Day activities for kids.  I know this might be late, but you can use it as follow up the rest of the week.

Click on any image to get all the details.

St Patricks Day activities for kids ~ recommended by

St Patricks Day activities for kids - St Patrick book & activities, recommended by
Homeschooling activities to go along with this book
St Patricks Day activities for kids - Green Play-doh, recommended by

st patricks day writing lesson from HowToHomeschoolMyChild.comFun for little ones
St Patricks Day activities for kids - St Patricks Soup with Shamrock croutons, recommended by
I might try these croutons with dinner tonight

St Patricks Day activities for kids - St Patricks Place Mats, recommended by

St Patricks Day activities for kids - Celtic Knot Cookies, recommended by

St Patricks Day activties for kids - FREE printables - recommended by

St. Patrick’s Day Notebooking Pages

Question: How will you study St Patrick in your homeschool this year? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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