Teach “How to Think” 6 Week Eclass – TTD

NOTE: This is the 2nd book in our Christian Leadership Series. To read more about Book #1,  Raising Leaders, Not Followers (Christian Leadership Series #1), click here.

Can your kids think for themselves?
How well can they discuss what they are learning?
How well can your kids make wise, Biblical decisions?
How well can your kids solve problems
       … not just Math problems but real life problems?
Are your kids inspired to learn more?

If I’m honest, my kids struggled with some of the areas listed above (decision making, critical thinking, Biblical thinking, wanting to learn more). So, I started doing some research in the middle of our homeschool years. I discovered mentoring as an option to help my kids think for themselves and make wise decisions.

What I discovered was an education strategy that is very easy for homeschoolers (and Christian educators) to use.

It’s part of our Christian Leadership Series and called “Mentoring” with classic books.  In Teach Your Children “How to Think” with Mentoring, I outline how you as a homeschool mom (or educator) can use classics to teach critical thinking skills, Biblical thinking skills, wise decision making and raise Godly leaders.

The Mentoring strategy is one I used with my own kids. It’s said, “the proof is in the pudding.” My kids used the Mentoring strategy of Leadership Education. All 3 of them are walking with God, making wise decisions and leading others in their communities.

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Teach Your Child “How to Think” with Mentoring
clicking here (SAVE 20%)

Before you read more . . .

If you are comfortable using textbooks, workbooks and multiple choice tests,
…..this strategy is NOT for you!
If all you want to do is “get through” the curriculum,
…..this strategy is NOT for you!
If you want to let others teach your kids, instilling their world view,
…..this strategy is NOT For you!
If you want to follow the public school method of education,
…..this strategy is NOT for you!

If you want to Know How to Provide an
Excellent Education Strategy . . .

Leadership Education teaches students how to think and prepares them to be leaders in their homes and communities, thus becoming entrepreneurs, church elders and statesmen.   This is the type of education that I want for my children and I would guess you want for your children.  It encourages thinking outside the box, which is difficult for a majority of Americans.

Throughout history, leaders have been mentored by tutors.  Often, they moved to prep schools where they study the classics by using the mentors approach.  It is the Mentoring system with independent studies that create leaders.

Unfortunately the leaders in America have been trained to be professionals and specialists – not leaders.  Most of our nation consists of followers who do not have a problem with the system at hand.  If your children are to overcome this dilemma, you must give them a superior education that prepares them to be entrepreneurs and statesmen by the historically-proven methods for training leaders.

teach your kids how to think for themselves. this paperback is perfect to help you - Teach Your Children "How to Think" with Mentoring from HowToHomeschoolMyChild.comTeach Your Child “How to Think” with Mentoring outlines how to use Mentoring with discussions, which is essential to teach your child to think for himself and become a wise leader. You will also discover how to lead a Socratic discussion, use a reading journal and apply Biblical principles to develop your young leader.  Specific suggestions on being a good leader and guiding your students to think critically are included. So, prepare your students to use their mind to solve problems and build relationships with those around them with the Mentoring strategy of Leadership Education.

Other Leadership Education Tools on today’s market give you more philosophy than practical helps.  Although the philosophy is imperative & included in our text, you need someone to make it easy for you.  That’s what I’ve done with Christian Leadership Series – provided strategies and techniques to “Hop Off the Conveyor Belt” and raise your children to think for themselves.

Over 90% of my customers told me . . .
I need help with Practical Ways to Implement Leadership Education in my home..

In Teach Your Child “How to Think” with Mentoring, I offer practical ways to implement Leadership Education with older students. You will receive encouragement and hands-on methods to mentor your children using classics. Read – Write – Discuss! That is the general method for training your children to think on their own in any area of study. I have even included suggestions for parents to begin their own education as they prepare to raise their children with real thinking skills for the future.

Other parents have told me they can’t find a Leadership Education book with Biblical guidance. Without a Biblical perspective, you do not have the overall picture or the proper perspective for raising your children to lead.

Why raise leaders? You want your children:

To have a Positive Impact on Society
To Rule and Reign for Jesus Christ
To Become Entrepreneurs that Change that Community for the Good
To have the Freedom to Call Your Own Shots
To Honor God, most importantly

When your children lead wisely, they can conquer the world for Jesus Christ. This book series points you to Biblical reasons for raising your children to lead well.

Raise your kids to be leaders and get help
clicking here to get your paperback $11.16

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Teach “How to Think” 6 Week Eclass  below
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Teach Your Children "How To Think" Eclass

What Secrets Will You Find in
Teach Your Child “How to Think” with Mentoring?

In this book, you can learn incredible strategies and tactics that I use to raise wise leaders through mentoring.  Here are the secrets you will learn in the manuscript…

How to discuss lectures

•How to use questions beyond your studies

What to do when you feel overwhelmed

•What to expect of an independent student

What to expect of a mentor

•How to lead a Socratic discussion with your children

How to get the most from a classic book

•How to use your child’s interests to develop independent studies

How to ask the best questions to stimulate thinking

•How to be a successful mentor to your children

How to use classics to teach thinking skills

•How to find Internships

How to use classic books to discuss human nature

•What to do about College

What to do about Speed Reading

•How to use reading journals in your Socratic Discussions

How to choose classic books to read

•How to integrate Scripture into your discussions

Which literary elements to teach your students

•How to use projects to develop independence

How to structure your time in your homeschool

•How to use classic books to broaden your child’s perspective

How to start a reading journal

~ 100% RISK FREE ~

Your success in using this powerful approach to educating your children is completely guaranteed. In fact, here’s my 100% Better-Than-Risk-Free-Take-it-To-The-Bank Guarantee:

30 Day Money Back Guarantee
If you aren’t 100% satisfied – I don’t expect…or want…to keep your money. Simply send off a quick email to me and I’ll happily refund your money in full. That means you can’t lose no matter what!

Master the Tactics of Leadership Education
So Your Student Can
Solve Problems by Thinking On His Own and
Have the Freedom to Call His Own Shots

It was once said…
We want one class to have a liberal education. We want another class, a very much larger class of necessity, to forgo the privilege of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific difficult manual tasks.

Who made this comment about setting up our public education for “manual tasks”?

Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States, told businessmen during World War 1 what he believed the purpose of public schools were.

Are you shocked to find out the direction of public education was purposeful and strategic? If so, you need to make a change. Change your children’s education right now!

Public Schools train your children to perform tasks – tasks in a warehouse, tasks as an accountant, tasks as a doctor, tasks as a professor. Factory jobs come in all shapes & sizes. These jobs are task-oriented. These workers do what their boss tell them to do. Sounds like a conveyor belt to me.

You need to answer one question . . .
Do you want your children to be merely prepared for a “follower, do what I’m told” job?

I’ve shown you that Teach Your Child “How to Think” with Mentoring is as risk-free as an offer can come. You and I both know that if you’ve read this far in the letter, you’re seriously interested in improving your student’s education.

All that’s left to do now is take action.

Paperback Retail $13.95  – $11.16
Click Here to Get Teach Your Child “How to Think” with Mentoring paperback


Teach Your Children "How To Think" Eclass
Invest in the Teach “How to Think” 6 Week Eclass
(Includes Mentoring paperback – Best buy for your money – $27)

What’s included in the “How to Think” 6 Week Class?

Teach Your Children “How to Think” with Mentoring ($13.95 ebook )
Teach Your Children “How to Think” with Mentoring Study Guide ($10 ebook)
Teach Your Children “How to Think” with Mentoring Workshop  ($10)
Teach Your Children “How to Think” with Mentoring Transcripts  ($5)
— 3 Classics Book Lists ($11) Children Classic List, Youth List, Adult List
Help for the Harried Homeschooler:
Schedules & Lists for Raising Leaders, Not Followers  ($11)
Christian Parenting Association 1 FREE month access ($9.97) *** SEE DETAILS BELOW
Total Package Value   $80.92


CLICK HERE to SAVE $53.92 on Teach “How to Think” 6 Week Eclass

Christian Parenting Association*** CPA DETAILS:

After your free month, the course is only $9.97 monthly charged automatically to your credit card monthly.

You may cancel any time with no obligation whatsoever and still keep all the past months’ “Christian Parenting & Family Insiders” downloads you’ve received! To cancel your subscription at any time, please send an email to: 

I interview leading authors and researchers in the parenting & health field and get down to the nitty-gritty of what you can do to raise your children to follow Christ and to think Biblically for themselves after they leave your home. Topics we cover are:

“Taking Care of Mom…So She Can Take Care of Your Family”
“Organizing Your Home To Spend More Time With Your Family”
“Approaches to Homeschooling”

Discover some of the best strategies and tips to use with your family while your children are still at home.  Experts in taking care of Mom, time management, creative activities with your children, holiday celebrations, family health and much more will encourage you each month.

When you respond and place your order today with your credit card, you automatically receive one month of my elite Christian Parenting Association and, and receive ONE FREE Month.

Each month, you receive seasonally-relevant tips & tricks to help you raise your children.  What does this include:

  • Christian Parenting & Family Insiders  Audio – where I reveal the latest and greatest parenting & family-raising breakthroughs.
  • Christian Parenting & Family Hot Sheets – techniques related to your monthly audio
  • FREE Monthly Ebook or PDF
  • Seasonal projects & ideas for that month (August is Back to School, November is Thanksgiving, March is Spring…and so on)
  • Quick & Easy Recipes
  • Articles to Encourage Moms & Dads
  • Homeschooling Strategies