Second Sunday of Advent

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As we begin the second Sunday of Advent after many strange years starting with covid in 2020, you might wonder if you can really have peace. The answer is YES!

second Sunday of Advent

This year has brought me much grief as I lost a job and ministry that was emotionally invested in. Up until the day we separated ways, there I experienced much turmoil and conflict. Covid 19, political unrest and social injustice were the least of my concerns. Not to say they were completely unimportant, but my trials came from deep grief.

Maybe you’ve experienced turmoil, conflict, grief this year and think peace is impossible.

  • Conflict in your marriage
  • Loss of job
  • Loss of other income
  • Health problems
  • Attacks from those you love
  • Fear of the future

The second Sunday of Advent looks at peace. Peace ONLY God can give you and me. Remember that peace is NOT the absence of conflict or tension. It is the presence of Jesus

Let’s look at God’s peace and then see how you can discuss peace with your kids as one of your Advent traditions. Jesus says,

I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.

John 14:27

God’s peace is different from the world’s peace. The world believes peace exists when there is no conflict, no trials. God tells us that in this world, we will have trouble, but we don’t need to be afraid of our trials.

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.

John 16:33

Other translations say, “in this world you will have trouble”. That about sums up 2020, wouldn’t you say. God guarantees us trouble here in the world, but He has overcome the world. Jesus conquered all the world throws at us, including sin and death, by raising from the dead.

Because of His victory over death, Jesus offers life-giving peace. If we want true peace, it is only found in Jesus Christ. His peace is an inner peace. A peace we experience, even when our life may be falling apart. Or maybe it isn’t falling apart right now.

second Sunday of Advent

This week, as you light your the candle for the second Sunday of Advent, read the verses above. Ask your kids the following questions.

  1. What is God’s gift to us?
  2. How would you describe God’s peace?
  3. What does Jesus say we will have here in the world?
  4. How should we respond when we have troubles and trials?
  5. In whom do we find peace?
  6. Who overcame the world? How so?

If you want more verses to read this week, head over to our How to Homeschool private Facebook group. If you’re not a member, you can join here. Once you’re in, find the popular post topics in the right sidebar. You’ll find a topic called Advent daily verses, where I’m sharing a verse & questions each day of Advent. Please leave a comment (here or on Facebook) and let men know if this is helpful to you.

How will you celebrate peace this second Sunday of Advent?

Before I close, one of the best pieces of advice I received the first year I homeschooled was to take a break during December. A friend of mine who had kids the same ages, but had homeschooled since Kindergarten, told me she “quits” formal homeschooling.

What you might say? Quit homeschooling for a month.

Well, not really!

Christmas Unit Study - free for limited time - get activities in all homeschool subjects

From this piece of advice, our family began a Christmas tradition of integrating Christmas and Advent into our homeschooling.

There are so many ideas to integrate Christmas into your reading, writing, math, history, science and other homeschooling. Use Christmas as your central focus all month-long. I have many ideas for you in our Christmas Unit Study.

If you would like our complete list of Christmas & Advent activities, enter your name & email below. I’d be happy to send our Christmas Unit Study to you at no cost for the next few days. This offer expires in December. After that, it will be $9.97.

Discover the meaning & get Advent activities for kids for all 4 weeks in Advent

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  1. This is our first year celebrating Advent. I have been a born-again Christian for 17 years and I don’t ever remember this being talked about much at church. Much of what we are doing is from my research. I am so thankful for bloggers!!

    1. I think Advent is making its way into the non-denominational and Protestant churches. It’s been in the Catholic church for ages. We started celebrating Advent when we attended a Reformed church. Hope this is helpful. I’ll be back each Sunday in Advent.

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