Sale on WriteShop 1 & 2 Teacher Manuals

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Are You Looking For the BEST Writing Program for your high school student…for BOTH Teachers & Students?

Look NO further…Use Write Shop & here’s why …

Overall, this is one of the best resources I’ve seen for parents who need lots of help to teach writing as well as a great tool for group classes.
~Cathy Duffy, author of 102 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum

25% DISCOUNT on Teacher Manuals
Note: These are binder format.

At last! A composition curriculum that meets the needs of both student and teacher!

Teachers love WriteShop! This flexible writing program is ideal for home schoolers, classrooms, or co-ops. So whether you teach at home or in a Christian school, offer a weekly class, or tutor privately, WriteShop I and II help seasoned teachers and insecure parents alike tackle junior high- and high school-level writing with confidence. You’ll love the detailed teacher lesson plans and step-by-step student instructions WriteShop offers.

WriteShop provides other helpful tools teachers and parents look for in a top-notch writing course. You’ll find all sorts of resources for teaching, editing, evaluating, and grading writing, including individualized checklists, evaluation forms, writing examples, and tips for objective grading.

With WriteShop, you’ll set your teens on a course for success. The lessons give them a chance to practice various kinds of writing, including creative writing, expository writing, and narrative writing. Assignments teach descriptive and informative paragraphs as well as first-and third-person narratives. The writing course also teaches students important techniques of style and self-editing. With each lesson, they learn and practice new skills, apply them to their current writing project, and edit and revise the composition several times. By the end of the lesson–after brainstorming, writing, editing, and revising–they’ll have a polished paper to be proud of!

You have put together an outstanding product! I can’t thank you enough for your sacrificial efforts. I have been teaching my children at home for 14 years and have never found a writing program as well thought out and all inclusive as yours. My students appreciate it also.
~Lisa, Washington

Thank you very much for creating Write Shop! It has been a pleasure to teach this curriculum and the results are phenomenal. Our son went from hating writing to asking for more!
~Heily, California

What topics does WriteShop cover?
You can get a complete Scope & Sequence by clicking here.

How do you schedule WriteShop for 1 year? for 2 years?
I have a 1 and 2 year schedule for you right here.

This webpage is for WriteShop I & II

WriteShop gives you so much help that it is surprisingly easy to critique the student’s writing. Each lesson has specific instructions for the teacher as to what problems to look for and how to help the student correct them. My dd’s writing has become much more clear, interesting, and persuasive.
~Amy, Texas

Someone asked me what I didn’t like about the program, and I couldn’t think of anything.
~Lynée Ward, iCHED

The Teacher’s Manual goes hand-in-hand with the student workbooks. It contains daily lesson plans, schedules, tips for editing and grading, answer keys, and student writing samples. One Teacher’s Manual covers both WriteShop I and II.

With the Teacher’s Manual for WriteShop I & II, you’ll confidently teach descriptive, informative, narrative, and persuasive writing. Lesson plans cover BOTH WriteShop I and WriteShop II, including discussion ideas, pre-writing activities, thorough explanations, and plenty of student samples. Teachers and homeschool parents alike will find many other helpful teacher resources in this idea-packed book.

The Teacher’s Manual helps ensure success of the program. Without it, the student workbooks lose much of their effectiveness. Only one-quarter of the TM contains lesson plans. The remainder of the handy, tab-divided binder is devoted to helping you learn to effectively edit and evaluate your students’ writing. One look at the Table of Contents will convince you that this meaty resource is no ordinary teacher’s guide!

I used WriteShop for two years with my oldest when she needed to seriously learn to write. I had felt so helpless and clueless, but Writeshop gave me just the right tools … She’s been accepted to two UCs and I think WriteShop made a big difference in her achievements.
~Ginger, homeschool parent

We just love WriteShop! Works like a dream.
~Yvonne, Idaho

The Teacher’s Manual for WriteShop I & II includes:

  • Clearly outlined teacher lesson plans
  • Tips for editing, evaluating, and grading student compositions (including edited examples of actual student work)
  • Suggestions for addressing problem areas
  • Instructions for using student and teacher checklists
  • Reproducible, all-purpose checklists for editing student compositions and essays
  • Reproducible composition, essay, and report evaluation forms for grading future assignments
  • Answer keys to Skill Builders and pre-writing activities
  • Extensive appendix offering hundreds of ideas for lesson expansion, persuasive essay topics, creative fiction, projects, and writing across the curriculum
  • You will also receive an email containing a link to the digital download of a free handout:Getting Started with WriteShop.

Teacher’s Manual for WriteShop I and II

WriteShop I is not a stand-alone book. The Teacher’s Manual provides parents and teachers with the tools they need to teach both WriteShop I and WriteShop II. This critical resource contains many instructional activities needed for introducing or explaining key concepts. These materials are NOT always present in the student book.

I really enjoyed the broadness of the writing assignments… For one lesson I was prompted to describe a place and was allowed to describe any place I wanted. For another assignment I was asked to write a biography and given the choice of any historical figure that interested me. This freedom of subject matter allowed my creativity to flow. It also gave me the ability to take information that I was learning in other subjects and incorporate it into my writing.
~WriteShop student

My son is a very reluctant writer. He could not write a grammatically correct sentence. He barely had a handle on basic punctuation. Nouns, pronouns, and adjectives were foreign words to him. I did not have any idea on how to teach him how to write. After a bit of research, and a false start with another program, we started in on Write Shop I. While he is still not excited about writing, I see major progress!

WriteShop I offers incremental lessons, challenging assignments, and creative activities for teens.

Students improve descriptive, informative, and narrative writing skills by becoming proficient in four vital techniques: brainstorming, drafting, editing, and revising. Not only do students learn to narrow their topics and choose vivid, descriptive wording, they learn to add interest to their writing by varying their sentence structure. Each lesson’s Skill Builder introduces new writing tools, which students have the opportunity to apply during future lessons. This “Learn-Practice-Do” approach helps ensure mastery.

**25% DISCOUNT on Teacher’s Manual**
Click here to order now!

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