If you’ve been on any of my online workshops or read my blog for awhile, you may have heard me talk about the importance of falling on your knees before God as you homeschool your kids. Prayer is imperative to raise your children in Godliness. It’s the only way we can truly raise our children.
That’s one reason I love Rebecca Brandt’s new journal for homeschooling moms. Let me share what I found and how it might help you. First of all, Rebecca reminds us of the importance of prayer in our lives. She also shares that the word “pray” is used 306 times in the Bible. Wow! That must mean praying is important to God.
Rebecca also uses the acronym PRAY to apply to each chapter in the journal. You’ll discover how to use each of these items as you study God’s Word & pray.
P – Pray R – Read / wRite A – Ask Y – You
In The Homeschool Mother’s Prayer Journal: A New School Year, Rebecca has provided chapters to help you & your children learn more about prayer. She goes directly to God’s Word for each chapter. I love it! As I’ve said many times, we must homeschool through the grid of Scripture. That’s exactly what Rebecca offers in her journal.
The Homeschool Mother’s Prayer Journal: A New School Year covers many topics such as scheduling, curriculum, fear, depression, anger and so forth. I found several chapters that encouraged & challenged me.
In each chapter, she includes the following:
- Opening Prayer for Moms to Pray
- Introduction to the Topic
- Verses to Read & Apply the PRAY acronym (above)
- Overarching Question for Each Verse
- Activity to Apply the Topic from the Scriptures You Read
At the end of the journal, you’ll find blank pages you can print for you & your kids to make your own journal. They go right along with the PRAY acronym and can be used for each chapter/topic.
How I Use The Homeschool Mother’s Prayer Journal :
I plan to work through a chapter each week, reading & praying through the verses Rebecca offers. It will be a relaxed devotional for me. If I were still homeschooling, I would do the same thing. Work through the verse on Monday – Wednesday with my kids. On Thursday & Friday, we would do the activities at the end of each chapter.
I also plan to buy a copy for my married daughter so she’ll have it before she has kids. Hey, it’s only $15 and you can make as many copies of the PRAY sheets as you need for your immediate family. What a deal!
Why I Like The Homeschool Mother’s Prayer Journal :
Rebecca encourages you to slow down and listen to God.
What have I been saying the 3 R’s for Homeschool Moms are?
- Rest
- Relax
- Refresh
The Homeschool Mother’s Prayer Journal: A New School Year will encourage you to do just that: rest, relax in the Lord and refresh in God’s Word. I promise that resting in God & refreshing yourself in God’s Word will see you through any & all difficulties, even major issues in your life.
If you’d like to get a copy, here’s the link to buy
You pay only $15 SPECIAL PRICE $10