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Everything You Want to Know About Homeschooling

{FREE for you}  http://HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com 


Unit Studies Tool Kit

Charlotte Mason Tool Kit


Character Training Tool Kit


Quick Study in Debt Bundle                    


Making Biblical Decisions


Resources for Each Approach to
Christian Homeschooling

If you want specific resources that Kerry recommends for each approach to Christian homeschooling, you may be interested in one of the following resources.

Get it everything you need to decide which approach is best for your family when you invest in . . .

Approaches to Christian Homeschooling Complete Package

– Approaches to Christian Homeschooling ebook

– Approaches to Christian Homeschooling Resource Guide (with clickable links)

– 8 Video Workshops on each approach (digital)


Or, choose any of our individual workshops or resource lists at the website above.

You can get individual workshops for each of the Approaches to Christian Homeschooling.

Christian Leadership Education Series


Raising Leaders, Not Followers, Book 1

Most homeschoolers continue to offer their children the same type of education they received; they just do it at home. Parents prepare their children in a public school-grade level fashion for a future job, teaching them only “what to think”. Our founding fathers received something different – a leadership education through mentoring. Leadership education trains our children “how to think” in a variety of situations.

Kerry Beck discuss three types of educational models, how to move from “what to think” to “how to think” in your homeschool and practical ways to implement a Biblical Leadership Education from young kids to young adults.

Teach Your Children “How to Think” with Mentoring, Book 2

Go beyond the early years of training leaders and learn how to provide self-directed study for your own children. Mentoring has been the successful model to train statesmen, entrepreneurs and community leaders. Discover clues to becoming a successful mentor to your children and to offer your children opportunities to study their own interests.

Don’t be fooled by the conveyor-belt model! We all learn more when we are self-motivated to study. Use mentoring this coming year to encourage your own children to be self-motivated in their studies.

Hop Off the Conveyor Belt: Tips & Stories,  Book 3
Real-life stories compiled from homeschool moms – tips,  tricks & real-life stories of what worked and what didn’t.

The Study is Called Star of Bethlehem Bible Study Ebook. Not only is there a fresh focus on God’s AWESOME communication with us throughout time, but you will learn more astronomy than YEARS of study in a text! Kerry takes you deeply into the Word of God to dig out what God has to say about stars, astronomy, astrology, and neatest of all, how God used STARS to tell about His plan for salvation through Jesus Christ!


Star of Bethlehem Family Study Guide

The Study is Called Star of Bethlehem Bible Study Ebook. Not only is there a fresh focus on God’s AWESOME communication with us throughout time, but you will learn more astronomy than YEARS of study in a text! Kerry takes you deeply into the Word of God to dig out what God has to say about stars, astronomy, astrology, and neatest of all, how God used STARS to tell about His plan for salvation through Jesus Christ!


Skies of the Cross Family Study Guide

Many wonders occurred the day Jesus died.  Spend time as a family discovering when, what & how all the wonders. Besides Easter Bible verses, what will you discover in our guide? Clues about Christ’s Crucifixion, Prophecies Fulfilled at the Cross, Timing of the Day of the Cross,     Blood Moons Today, Solar & Lunar Eclipses, How God Uses the Skies as a Sign


Christmas Celebrations: Advent, Christmas & Epiphany

Keep Christ the center of your holiday celebrations as you learn Biblical ways to celebrate 3 special times of year.

 A Father’s Stew: Biblical Integration of Family, Work, Ministry,
by Stephen Beck

In an age where fathers are separated from their families for most of the day, how can we fulfill the biblical mandate to train our children when “you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up”” (Deuteronomy 6)? Given our current culture, is it possible to integrate family, work and ministry in a biblical manner?

What is God’s provision for raising godly children & what are our responsibilities? Discover God’s vision for fathers as we are challenged from the Scripture to balance the areas of family, work and ministry and to blend these three ingredients to form a godly stew, a sweet smelling aroma to God.


Starting a Family Business
FREE Report


How to Start Your Own Busines … for Families and Teens


Merchant Maiden:
Earning an Income Without Compromising Convictions
