Don’t Worry Prayers Prize

  • Are you worried about your kids or family?
  • Are you anxious about this coming week?
  • Are you fearful of homeschooling?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you need our Don’t Worry Prayers. For me, prayers provide peace and security. They’re my security blanket that takes me to God every time.

Don't Worry Prayers

How do I know what to pray?

I pray Bible verses. I declare God’s Word back to Him. It’s the one thing I know I can pray to pray God’s Will.

Use these Scripture prayer each time you are worried, fearful or anxious. I recommend printing the prayers. Cut them into strips. Place the strips in your car, at your kitchen sink, on your bathroom mirror or even on a key ring. Anywhere you’ll see them regularly.

You can grab them for free by entering our name & email below. This door prize is for a short time. Grab it now.