If You're Ready to Have a FUN Fall Party & Learn at the Same Time...

... this is perfect for you in October!

Do you want your kids to know more about God's Work in History in October?

God has been doing miracles since the beginning of time. . . throughout all of history

With Halloween right around the corner, it's time to take back this "hallowed" celebration from the darkness of the world. It's time to celebrate the "hallowed eve" of All Saints Day and Reformation Day as believers of Jesus Christ.

Let's dive deep into history and have FUN doing so. Let's have a Reformation Day Party

Yes! I want the Celebrating Reformation Day Unit Study & Party Planner

What Really Happened in 1517?

Do you know what has happened in Church History?

Do your kids know what happened?

It's time we discovered what God was doing 500 years ago. It's time our kids know their heritage as a Christian.

Why Should the Reformation Day
Matter to You?

Let’s face it, now is perfect time to model and mentor Biblical & Church History. If you don't know your Church History, take a deep breath and learn WITH your kids. That's what I did.

One way we made Church History exciting was hosting a Reformation Day Party each year around Halloween.

Calling Christian Moms . . .
Inspire Your Kids to Love Learning More About Church History

Grab Your Unit Study to Use Right Now ...

Slow Down & Grow Closer to God this Fall!

You'll discover how to:

  • Dig into Church History during the Reformation See God's Work during this special time period
  • Use Martin Luther's 95 Thesis as a fun way to learn history
  • Slow Down and read good books about God's Church
  • Add pizzazz to your History with a Reformation Day Party

Your Reformation Day Unit Study includes ...

... a wide variety of resources for you to
inspire a love of learning & a love for the Church.

Middle Ages Reformation Day

Video Workshop & Slides

(value $20)

Turn your homeschool into an inspiring day about Church History

  • History of Reformation
  • Major Players of the Reformation
  • Snippet biographies of reformers & impact on history
  • Timeline of the Reformation
  • Educational Activities
  • Recommended Resources
  • Reformation Party Ideas

Reformation Day Activity Guide & Printables
(value $15)

Your Activity Guide can be used through the month of October, and into November. Most items can be open & use... print & go.

  • Research Activities
  • Writing & discussion topics
  • Copywork
  • Geography activities
  • Art activities]
  • Science activities
  • Reformation party ideas & recipes

Reformation Day Reading List (value $5)

Don't waste your time on twaddle. Read books that are worthwhile

  • General Overview & Church History
  • Leading up to the Reformation
  • Early Reformation books
  • English Reformation
  • Books at all ages

Get the Reformation Day Unit Study now so you can renew your family's faith, as you discover more about God's Work 500 years ago!

To Help You Even More... Get this Amazing BONUS!

It gets even better! Grab the Unit Study & get exclusive access to this AMAZING bonus!

5 Reformation Day Videos for Families ($10 Value)

  • Martin Luther animated
  • Rick Steves walk through Luther
  • How the Reformation Shaped Your World
  • 5 Solas - Explanation
  • 5 Solas Song for Families

Total value when purchased individually: $50
Today's price: $30

My goal is to help your family draw closer to God through Church History and FUN activities

Several years ago I published our first family Bible study…about the Star of Bethlehem at Christmas time. At that time, I was just starting to inspire moms to dive into Bible & Church History.

Since then, I created the Reformation Day Unit Study.

This Family Study is based on our own family's discoveries and FUN activities around Reformation Day.

I want to share the ideas that helped bring joy into my life & our family's life. Will you let me?

Let me tell you . . . if I can do it,

You Can Do This, too. Let's do this together!

Let's take a closer look at how this will help grow your faith and inspire your children

With this Bundle, you'll have ideas to slow down with great books & focus on God's Work in history!

Here's what you'll love about this bundle:

  • Middle Ages & Reformation Video to help you as the parent understand what was happening in history, so you can share this with your kids ... to share your Christian heritage with your kids.
  • Reformation Day Party Ideas & Recipes that allow you to host your own FUN party centered on the Middle Ages, the Reformation and Church leaders at the time.
  • Snacks, Crafts, Activities because kids love anything with food that teaches them a concept. That's why we hosted a Reformation Day Party.
  • Videos, Videos, Videos lots of videos to give you the confidence to prepare yourself and your kids' hearts for a deeper faith in God's Works & God's Sovereignty.

You'll love the Reformation Day Unit Study because
it's simple to use and organize your own FUN Reformation Day Party.

Who this Bundle is for

You'll LOVE this if:

  • You're spinning your wheels, struggling to find time with God
  • Your kids are bored during family devotions or Bible time
  • You're too stressed out to consider anything outside a textbook.

This isn't for you if:

  • You never miss a day of read alouds or history reading
  • Your kids sit down to study Church History on their own and ask questions through the day
  • You are not very busy


This is a crazy good deal. Are you sure this isn't a scam?

This is NOT a scam, it's truly a valuable unit study you can trust. It's a super low price because we offer a super-low price immediately. Plus, I really want to help you get a jump start your faith & understanding of God's works over time.

How long will it take to go through the Reformation Unit Study?

You & your kids can finish the unit study in 1 year, but there are many activities available to encourage & inspire your kids for years to come. Plus ... as your kids get older, they can plan a Reformation Day Party for other families.

How will I get the product after I purchase?

Your product will be in your Members Area as soon as you pay for the Bundle. You will also receive an email with details on how to download the Bundle.

What all comes with the purchase?

Your Reformation Day Unit Study is in digital format & you will receive all the download information upon completion of payment.

Do you offer refunds?

If you aren’t 100% satisfied – I don’t expect…or want…to keep your money. Simply send off a quick email to me, within 30 days of purchase, and I’ll happily refund your money in full. That means you can’t lose no matter what!


100% Risk Free
Your success in using these studies & activities with your kids is completely guaranteed.

In fact, here’s my
100% Better-Than-Risk-Free-Take-it-To-The-Bank Guarantee:

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If you aren’t 100% satisfied – I don’t expect…or want…to keep your money. Simply send off a quick email to me and I’ll happily refund your money in full. That means you can’t lose no matter what!

Building a Family Close to God
Starts Today!

Here's EVERYTHING you get when you purchase the Easter Skies of the Cross Bundle

  • Middle Ages Reformation Day Video Training & Slides - $20 value
  • Reformation Day Unit Study & Printables that includes simple & fun activities to use in your homeschool in October & November - $15 Value
  • Reformation Day Reading List so you don't waste your time reading twaddle and move straight to worthwhile books - $5 Value
  • BONUS PACK: 5 Reformation Videos for Families - $10 Value

Total value when purchased individually: $50
Today's price: $30