Another terrific workshop yesterday afternoon. Thanks again for your positive response and all your kind notes about voting for our blog on Circle of Moms.
What an honor to be nominated as a Top 25 Homeschool Blog. Some of you have asked to remind you regularly to vote, so here’s your reminder. Vote here!
We are working on the recordings & transcripts of all the workshops and hope to have them available by the end of June.
Not sure what the Principle Approach is?
Join us on Thursday, June 6 (4pm EDT) to discover:
- What is the Principle Approach
- How to integrate Biblical principles in all subject areas
- Notebooking with a Christian perspective (4 step process)
- How to give your child Biblical worldview
- Importance of knowing our Christian history
- Christian perspective of a Charlotte Mason homeschool
- How to apply Biblical principles in everyday life
- How students should assume responsibility for their own education
- Strengths & Weaknesses of the Biblical Principle Approach
- Resources specific to the Biblical Principle Approach
Too often we cram academics down our kids throats, at the expense of their spiritual growth. With the Biblical Principle Approach to homeschooling, you show your kids how God works in all areas of life & all subject areas. Your children begin to see a Biblical worldview in life. That’s what I love about the principle approach.
Reserve your seat below!
NOTE: If you use Chrome, please read…You will still be registered for this workshop, even if you receive a malware notice. We have contacted our web form developer, our webmaster and tech support, who all say we have no malware. They are working on this matter and we hope to clear up this matter soon.
I hope you can join us every Thursday afternoon…
Please vote right now for this blog by clicking here…thanks!
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(You can vote more than once, every 24 hours)
Question: What questions do you have about the principle approach?
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