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It’s that time again…time for our annual 30-Day Gratitude Challenge. To kick it off, I’m sharing some ideas about gratitude and how it can help you (mom) and your family (kids). Gratitude & giving thanks are scattered all through the New Testament. Many sections tell us how to live for Christ and end with “give thanks”. Plus, being thankful is God’s will.
In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God. I Thessalonians 5:17
So, mom!
Are you modeling a thankful or critical spirit? How are you encouraging your kids to be thankful and not complain? Listen today to get practical tips for your family. Then, sign up for our 30-Day Gratitude Challenge
In this episode, you’ll discover:
✅ Biblical perspective of thanksgiving
✅ Number one thing a mom can do to get rid of complaining
✅ Verses & Truths to encourage gratitude
✅ What to fight for in your family
Resources Mentioned:
FREE 30-Day Gratitude Challenge (FREE)