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found freedom from my finances and in my life. Today, Let’s talk about how you can use money wisely and find freedom, too.

If you’re looking for a side hustle, especially with a digital course, I’ll let you in on 5 secrets. These go along with my 5 mistakes I made over the past 20 years and how I corrected them to gain freedom.

In this episode, you’ll discover:
✅ How I ended up with credit card debt & became overwhelmed
✅ My attitude towards money & living in freedom
✅ 5 secrets to freedom
✅ Bouncing back from losing 1/2 my income

Resources Mentioned
Join Amy Porterfield, other like-minded entrepreneurs and myself in

Course Confident Bootcamp. Sign up here

When you use my partner link, you can get
–group coaching in our private FB pop up group
–as well as my 12 Steps to Create a Side Hustle Income Plan.

Sign up now before we start next Wednesday.
DCA Wait List
Myths about Courses
Stories about Courses

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