Photo Story – Thanks to Sony Electronics & MeRa Koh

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

A few weeks ago, I announced that I won a brand new Sony camera at BlissDom.  I attended MeRa’s photography session (which was absolutely wonderful) and she drew my card for the camera . . . woohoo!

A great big thank you to Sony for the camera and MeRa for the inspiration.  Today, I’d like to share photos from the first day I used my new camera.

Ashley & Jesse (daughter & son-in-law) invited their Sunday School class to our land, “Lazy B”,  for a skeet shooting party & picnic.  Steve & I arrived early to get set up.  On the way out to our property, we saw the Navasota River overflowing its banks, almost to the bridge. We had lots of rain the previous week. We were so thankful because we had a drought in Texas last year…and our pond was mostly mud.

When we got to the Lazy B, Steve wanted to see how much rain our pond had.  I’ll let the photos tell the rest of the story . . .

Safety Class – Every time we shoot with our guests!

Ashley was Texas state champion in skeet for 3 years.  She helps one of their mentor couples hit the bird.

Ashley & Jesse

Before I share my wildflower photos, I want you to know that the photos of the truck were inspired by MeRa.  One of the biggest lessons I learned was let your photos tell stories.  When my kids look back at our photo albums, they love reading the stories that go with the photos.  Stories are inspirational.  Hopefully those photos told our story 🙂

Our picnic was smack dab in the middle of bluebonnet season – Texas State Flower!

If you never been to Texas in March or April, you need to plan a trip.  The wildflowers are gorgeous.  When we were temporarily living in Idaho, Gentry & I flew to Texas to get her drivers license.  We were staying with my parents on their 50 acres.  As we drove to town, we both said. . . Bluebonnets!

If you’re a Texan, you completely understand our story 🙂

No bluebonnets in Idaho, but we saw the most amazing fields of bluebonnets on that short trip in 2006.


Wish we had been here in the morning to take this one.

Indian Paintbrush – 2nd most popular wildflower in Texas

I love bluebonnets . . .

Thanks, MeRa for some fun great photography tips.  I tried the 1/3 rule.  I also liked the idea of taking 3 photos to record an event – close-up, mid-range or group, landscape.

I’m still learning how to use my camera most effectively.  I’m having a blast.  Most of my recent photos for homeschool activities have been taken with my Sony Nex.

Thank You Sony!




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  1. Hi Kerry, so nice to meet you. Thanks so much for stopping by from the UBP12 party! I love that you won a camera from Sony at Blissdom. Lucky duck! I hope you’re having an amazing week!

    1. Jennifer,
      Thanks for coming on over. I was quite surprised when MeRa drew my card for the camera. I’m having a blast with it. I’ve got some updated photos for our bean experiment that I need to upload and share with y’all.

  2. Your truck pictures did indeed tell a story, I have to admit I chuckled a few times over it!
    That full field of flowers is beautiful also!

    1. This is the first year we’ve had a field of bluebonnets at the Lazy B. For Texans, that’s exciting! We all chuckled over the truck that day. Thank goodness one of those young couples had a huge truck & Steve had his chains.

    1. Thanks, Judy. I love sharing photos with my kids so they have something to pass along. It’s so much easier with digital pics.

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