Patriotic Books with Flag Day & 4th of July Activities for Kids

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I don’t know about you, but we were always reading in the summer.  Even though we took a break from formal homeschooling, we still learned.  Why not learn more about Flag Day, 4th of July (Independence Day) by reading patriotic books the next few weeks?

Patriotic Books

Even if you don’t have time to read these books this week (before Flag Day on Saturday, June 14th), you can read them before Independence Day, July 4th.  If you see star below the book, be sure to look for the FREE activities with each book.

Making this list brought back fond memories of reading these books with my kids. I hope your family enjoys them, also.

Click on any image to get your own copy or read more about that title

Star Spangled Banner by Peter Spier - our family LOVES all of Peter Spier's books ~ recommended by

You probably guessed it – I love all Peter Spier books.  Last week’s post about Bored, Nothing to Do introduces you to the first Spier book our family ever read.  After that, we enjoyed Noah’s Ark , Circus, People, Christmas & Rain.  If you want our 206 Fun Summer Activities for Kids, you can find them by clicking here.

This info-packed story of our national anthem includes illustrated lyrics; the fascinating history of the War of 1812 and the battle that inspired Francis Scott Key to pen the words; musical notation; historical photographs; plus a reproduction of Key’s original manuscript.

Watch & listen to Peter Spier
*** FREE lesson plan for The Star Spangled Banner, by Peter Spier

You can get The Star Spangled Banner as an ebook right here. Just choose the Kindle option!

We the People by Peter Spier - 4th of July activities for kids from

Mr. Spier also wrote about the Constitution of the United States in We the People, another excellent book to read around 4th of July.  It’s a stirring American tale of how this most important document came to symbolize freedom, justice, equality, and hope for all citizens.

Spier’s book includes an illustrated preamble to the Constitution, illuminating its significance from its birth through to modern times; the fascinating history of the struggle to create and ratify the Constitution; a historical reproduction of the original document; plus the complete text of the Constitution.

***  FREE printables about the Constitution

Betsy Ross, by Alexandra Wallner - Flag Day activities for kids from

Folk art paintings illustrate the life of Betsy Ross. Simple story for kids to follow. Also includes information about conflicting information about Betsy Ross, as the original flag maker.

*** FREE lessons & activities for kids about Betsy Ross
*** FREE lesson: Betsy Ross: Truth of Fiction?
*** FREE lesson plans about Betsy Ross (scroll down)

Betsy Ross, Childhood of Famous Americans - Flag Day activities for kids from

My kids enjoyed reading the Childhood of Famous Americans series when they were 8-12 years old.  If you have kids at this age, they may enjoy the book about Betsy Ross’ childhood in Betsy Ross, Designer of Our Flag.

*** Another page with Betsy Ross activities for kids

F is for Flag - Flag Day activities for kids from

Not only will your kids learn about the American flag, they’ll also be introduced to alliteration & the alphabet.

*** Flag Day Activities for Kids
*** If you want to tie together the letter F with flags, here are many Flag Day activities for kids, especially young ones.

The 4th of July Story, by Alice Dalgliesh ~ 4th of July activities for kids by

Alice Dalgliesh is an awesome author & makes history come alive in all her books. I was introduced to her our first year of homeschooling when we read The Bears of Hemlock Mountain and The Courage of Sarah Noble.  If your family hasn’t read either of these books (& you have elementary age kids), be sure to put them on next year’s reading list.

In The 4th of July Story, the characters of the American Revolution come to life: Patrick Henry speaks, George Washington leads; Thomas Jefferson writes; John Adams instructs; Benjamin Franklin teases; John Hancock signs. Across America, townsmen and frontier settlers and slave holders and free men hear the news about liberty and react to it.

One mom says, I found my children (including myself) absorbed in the book wanting to keep reading more. I had checked this book out from the library but decided I needed this great resource in our home library so ordered it.

*** 4th of July activities for kids and  4th of July printables
*** FREE Independence Day Lapbook
*** 4th of July Crafts & Recipes

America Patriotic Primer, by Lynne Cheney ~ 4th of July activities for kids by

I found this book in our local bookstore and had to flip through it. I love it!

America: A Patriotic Primer is a succinct history of the United States, an ABC of the principles on which this country was founded, and a book for children and families to pore over, discuss, and cherish.

A is for America,
the land that we love.
B is for the
of this country of ours….

To choose the twenty-six people and ideas that comprise the book, Lynne Cheney has drawn on a lifetime of learning about the American past, and on the inspiration that comes from witnessing recent history firsthand. Illustrator Robin Preiss Glasser imbues Mrs. Cheney’s words with childlike joy through her exuberant drawings. Together they have created a patriotic primer, a book that teaches history by celebrating the diversity, tenacity, and faith of the American people.

This book is written so that it can be read to a 4 year old or a 10 year old. There is as little or as much information as the age requires. It also evokes curiosity in children.

*** FREE activity guide for … America: A Patriotic Primer
*** FREE Independence Day Lapbook
*** 4th of July Crafts & Recipes

Red, White & Blue: Story of the American Flag ~ Flag Day activities for kids by

If you have an early reader, this is a good book for them to read independently.  Your young reader will learn much about the history of the American flag and how it didn’t always look the way it is today.

*** Flag Day Activities for Kids
*** FREE Writing Prompts

Flag Day - Rookie Reader about Holidays ~ Flag Day activities for kids by

Another book for beginning readers about Flag Day. Flag Day provides a short and easy-to-understand version without dumbing it down too much.

*** Flag Day Lessons
*** Flag Day Activities for Kids
*** Flag Folding Lesson

Story of Star Spangled Banner: By the Dawn's Early Light, by Steven Kroll ~ Flag Day activities for kids by

 Another of my favorite authors. I seem to always find a good book by Steven Kroll when I’m looking for a specific holiday.  And this is another MUST read

As one mom says, at 9 & 12 years old, my kids don’t “need” to learn from picture books, but when the book is this good, why not? The marvelous watercolors drew us into the story, the engaging narrative kept us there and, with the accompanying notes, told us all we needed to know about this event in our country’s history. It is worthy of a place on my shelf and is a book I wish I’d bought long ago.

*** FREE lesson: Our Flag in History – Timeline
*** Flag Day Activities for Kids
*** 5 point star lesson

Patriotic Books

Jean Fritz has some terrific patriotic books for kids. You’re kids will learn American history, while enjoying the story.  They won’t even know they are learning.  Some of our favorites to read for Flag Day & 4th of July include early American history books.

Click on any title to read more or get the free activities for kids, next to the title.

Will You Sign Here, John Hancock?
***  FREE lesson plans about Declaration of Independence

Shhh, We’re Writing the Constitution
  FREE printables about the Constitution
**** To reinforce parts of speech, have your child read the Constitution and circle all nouns, underline verbs and so forth.

And Then What Happened, Paul Revere?
***  FREE Teacher’s Guide
*** FREE lesson plans about Paul Revere

Why Don’t You Get a Horse, Sam Adams?
*** FREE lesson plans about Sam Adams  (scroll down)

Can You Make Them Behave, King George? 
*** FREE Boston Tea Party printable
*** FREE lesson plans about King George  (scroll down)

Our Patriotic Holidays Unit Study is a fun way to encourage learning more about the 4th of July. You’ll receive books to read, videos to watch, activities to enjoy and snacks to eat. All based on Independence Day.

In addition to 4th of July, there are units for Flag Day and Election Day. Click here to read more about Patriotic Holidays Unit Study.

Question: Please share your favorite patriotic books for kids . . . and any activities for kids that you have, especially for Flag Day & 4th of July. You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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  1. These look like great resources! Have you been to the Betsy Ross House in Philly? Been a long time since I have visited but it is cool.

    1. I have not been to the Betsy Ross house, but we did see the Liberty Bell when we were in Philly.

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