Palm Sunday Crafts

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

We had so much fun yesterday in Bible school at SHIP El Salvador. Why? The kids got to paint with their feet, hands & fingers as they made their Palm Sunday Crafts. Even though we did this Palm Sunday craft with a group of kids, you can do it in your homeschool.

If you’re looking for a creative way to remind your kids what Palm Sunday is all about, why not try this donkey & palm branches painting?  It’s fun, but also gives you the opportunity to talk about Jesus riding a donkey to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.  As we did the craft, we discussed the importance of worshiping Jesus on a daily basis.

Palm Sunday Crafts
Palm Sunday Crafts - fun painting with your foot & hand from

We combined black & white (washable) paint to make gray for the donkey. Then, we painted the child’s foot. They took turns, coming two at a time.  Then, they pressed their foot on the poster.  Our team members helped press down their foot, or they stood up to press hard enough.

Next we painted their hands green for palm leaves.  They could put as many or as few as they liked around the donkey.

Since we didn’t have enough paint brushes, the kids used their fingers to paint the words “Hosanna” in red, and add details to the donkey (eyes, nostrils, ears, mane)

Palm Sunday Crafts for Kids from
Palm Sunday Crafts for Kids from

Even our kids who have muscular dystrophy and live in wheel chairs, enjoyed this fun Easter craft. Our team was awesome, bringing the poster to their feet and helping them with their hand / finger painting.

Palm Sunday Crafts for Kids from

We let the paintings dry overnight and gave them back the following day.

Palm Sunday Crafts for Kids from

And some of our 8 year olds got creative with their Palm Sunday crafts by adding happy faces to everything.
They even made the palm branches happy! 🙂

Palm Sunday Crafts

Steve & I go with SHIP El Salvador to work in the orphanage & neighborhood several times a year.  We love the relationships we have with the kids we send to private, Christian school. Does your kids have a missionary group or overseas kids they support? If you’d like to know more about SHIP El Salvador, you can read here.  Or, click here are my blog posts about the work being done by SHIP El Salvador.

What are you doing in your homeschool to celebrate Palm Sunday & Easter? I’d love to hear any ideas you have.

Get your FREE Bible Reading Plan to stay focused on Jesus during Easter. Super simple to use. Print & Go.

While my kids were growing up, we read specific Scripture during Holy Week so we prepared their heart for Resurrection Sunday. Just sign up below and we’ll send your printable to your inbox.

.Question: What are you doing in your homeschool to celebrate Palm Sunday & Easter? You can leave a comment by clicking here.


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