Organization Challenge for Homeschoolers {Homeschool Giveaway Challenge}

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A few weeks ago I shared some ideas on home organization as you homeschool. If you want to see those posts, here are a few.

Raising Homemakers & Home Organization Ideas {Weekend Links}

10 Home Organization Tips for Homeschoolers


Now, I want to follow up with a challenge for your homeschool.

After I posted those ideas, I read a book called 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess.  My friend, Rebecca, recommended it to me.  As I read the first few chapters, I wasn’t sure I’d finish the book. I wasn’t getting it.

Then, I read the third challenge and I was hooked.

take the homeschool giveaway challenge modeled after 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess

Let me back up.

Jen Hatmaker took 7 challenges in a year that required her to do 7 things during a particular month. The first month she only ate 7 foods. The next month, she only wore 7 pieces of clothing.  Then, she was on a purging challenge.

That’s the challenge I’m giving myself & all other homeschoolers. Here it is:

Find 7 items to give away from your home
each & every day for a month.

And when you give away those items, choose meaningful recipients.

For example, Jen had bags to give away. The homeless that her family fed each month always asked for bags, so she took her purses to the meal giveaway.  With her shoes, she gave them to a home for abused women.

take the homeschool giveaway modeled after 7: an experimental mutiny againste excess

Since I am out of town several weeks in May, I’m taking this challenge in June. Every day in June I will find 7 items in our home to give away. Each week I plan to gather similar items and find the perfect place to donate them.

Do you need to de-clutter your home?

Do you need to get your home organized?

Do you need more space for homeschooling?

Do your kids need to learn to give away items to the needy?

Take the Homeschool Giveaway Challenge.  We’ll start on June 1st and find 7 items each day to giveaway. Your kids can join you in this giveaway challenge. I’m already praying about the lessons God will teach me. Why not join me?

take the homeschool giveaway challenge - every day find 7 items to giveaway - more from

If you want to take this challenge, leave a comment here.  As we work through this challenge, you can leave comments on our blog, facebook or instagram sharing how it’s going.

If you want to read more about de-cluttering & purging, I highly recommend both of these books. Both have specifics on getting rid of unneeded & unused items in your home. Click on the image to get more details.

take the homeschool giveaway challenge modeled after 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess

simply clean home - discover how to declutter & clean yourhome


.Question: Are you taking the Homeschool Giveaway Challenge? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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  1. This sounds great! My kids and I will definitely be joining you on this challenge. Looking forward to it!!

  2. We are hopping on board!! This has been a topic in our house for quite some time. Thanks for the boost.

  3. Just the incentive I need to do what I’ve been wanting to do. Can’t wait to feel and see the difference it will make in us and others!

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