Oreo Turkey Cookies & Pilgrim Hat Cookies

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For years we have made these turkey cookies with our family. I found another FUN cookie to make at Thanksgiving…Pilgrim hats with Reese’s. Of course, my daughter loves tradition and told me she would be making turkey cookies. So, I guess I’ll be taking ingredients for both cookies to my parent’s farm for Thanksgiving.

Which one will you make?

oreo turkey cookies {30 days of thanksgiving activities for kids }   ~   HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com


Thanksgiving Activities for Kids

A couple years ago, I volunteered at my daughter, Ashley’s, school. She was teaching first grade to at-risk kids. It was the first time I had met her class and some of them hugged me as soon as I entered the room.

They loved making Oreo Turkey Cookies. Every holiday thereafter, they asked me to come back and make holiday cookies with them. I guess the turkey cookies were a huge hit.

oreo turkey cookies {30 days of thanksgiving activities for kids }   ~   HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com

Oreo Turkey Cookies

oreo turkey cookies {30 days of thanksgiving activities for kids }   ~   HowToHomeschoolMyChild.comOpen oreo and set them perpendicular (use icing to hold in place)
Place malt ball in the corner and a red hot (gobble) in front of the malt ball.
Ice the oreo that is standing up & down with chocolate icing
Fan candy corn around the maltball to make a fan of feathers.
Eat and enjoy – yummy!!!

Shopping List:
red hots
malt balls
chocolate icing
candy corn

day18 - Oreo Turkey Cookies & Pilgrim Hat Cookies {30 days of thanksgiving activities for kids }   ~   HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com

Pilgrim Hat Cookies

pilgrim hat cookies
from Taste of Home


chocolate wafers
mini Reeses peanut butter cups
orange frosting
decorating tube for frosting

Smear some frosting on the top of the Reeses. Place it upside down on the chocolate wafer. Pipe some frosting around the base and add a buckle. Voila!


What types of cookies do you make for Thanksgiving? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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