Oreo Moon Phases – Summer Fun Activities for Kids

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

This was a favorite with our readers, so I wanted to share it again for a little summer fun & learning. Enjoy the Oreo Moon Phases science experiment for kids.

Oreo Phases of the Moon

Actually, I missed Oreos’ birthday on Tuesday, March 6, 2012.  But, it’s better late than never.  On March 6, 1912 the first Oreo was sold.

To celebrate Oreo’s birthday, I’m sharing a fun homeschool activity that I learned at Texas A&M.  My girls & I attended a science day and this was one of the activities.

Enjoy the activity & some Oreos!

Save time at the grocery store! Order your Oreos right now and you will have them in the mail in 2 days.

Oreo Moon Phases – Homeschool Activity

Oreo Phases of the Moon 3

Obviously, you’ll need a package of Oreos.  Each child will need 8 Oreos, a butter knife and a paper plate.

You may need more than 8 Oreos if they crack on you.

Oreo Phases of the Moon 1

Depending on the age of your child, let them use a Sharpie to label each phase on the paper plate.

Oreo Moon Phases1

Be very careful as you separate your Oreos. I had a few crack, so I had to eat them.  Gosh!

The full moon & new moon are already done when you pull apart your Oreo.

Oreo Moon Phases 2

It may take practice, but each child needs to scrape off the filling to create 2 crescent moons, 2 half moons and 2 ginnous moons.

Oreo Phases of the Moon 2

Using the labels you already wrote on the plate, place the Oreos in their correct place.

Oreo Moon Phases

Be sure to talk with your kids about the moon.

Does it shine light or reflect light?
Why does the moon look different throughout the month?

For a limited time, you can get our Oreo Moon Phases Guide ($10) for free. Simply, enter your name & email below. We’ll send it to you immediately.

Oreo Phases of the Moon

It includes several youtube moon videos to teach & remember the moon phases, as well as questions to discuss with your kids.  We also have a 1 paragraph writing assignment in this guide.   Simply enter your first name & primary email below and we will send it to you … for FREE!

Thanks for the Oreo fun with moon phases pdf. We used it yesterday after buying a box of the cookies for some extra fun learning about the moon landing and the moon phases. The kids really enjoyed the videos on your blog as well. Thanks so much for making those resources available.   

~Sabrina K.

Take a Deeper Dive into the Skies of the Cross

To dive even deeper into what happened in the skies while Jesus was dying on the Cross, you can use our Easter Skies of the Cross ebook. You’ll discover more about blood moons and solar eclipses on that day.


Click here & use code: ECLIPSE (through April 6)

I just received your Astronomy, ebook, Star of Bethlehem…similar to Easter Skies of the Cross. It is AWEsome! . . . I am so excited about this material that I can hardly wait to introduce it to our children. Thank you for your time & for your AWEsome (in the true sense of the word) ebook. I am looking forward to the availability of the rest of your material on astronomy.~

Julie Banton

Question: What fun summer activities are you doing with your kids? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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  1. What a great activity! This is exactly what I was looking for! I was wanting something unique and different to do to wrap up our unit study on the phases and actions of the moon, and then this came across in the email! Thank you so much!

    1. So glad you got it. It is fun! In case you didn’t get it, I updated our activity guide with some youtube videos, questions and writing assignment.

  2. Yummy! Who wouldn’t enjoy science when Oreos are involved. We finished our moon unit a couple of months ago – but I”m thinking it might be good to have a review activity. Guess I’ll have to add Oreo’s to the grocery list.

    1. I love edible activities. I’ll have to post our cell pizza in the near future. In case you didn’t get it, I updated our activity guide with some youtube videos, questions and writing assignment.

  3. This is BRILLIANT!!! Even my husband thinks this is a fabulous use of Oreos and they are almost sacred to him. LOL! Thanks for the idea!

    1. My husband didn’t dare eat an Oreo until I was finished with this activity. He said he even dreamed about Oreos that night. Gotta love those cookies! In case you didn’t get it, I updated our activity guide with some youtube videos, questions and writing assignment.

  4. Thank you for sharing such a fun and tastie lesson! I love fun learning activities to do with the entire family! This is going to make everyone happy!

  5. What a great way to teach this! My daughter is a very visual learner now, after suffering a tbi a couple years ago, and this type of activity works really well for her.

    1. So glad this will help her. Hopefully some of our upcoming homeschool activities will help also

    1. It is fun and SO easy to do. Everyone in the family can participate. Plus, the youtube video on the activity guide explains how the moon works.

  6. Thank you so much!! What an excellent idea and lots of fun, too! Thank you also for the Free Activity Guide! We’re really looking forward to learning more about the moon! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  7. So sorry I didn’t find your blog earlier in the month. However, as some of the others have said better late than never.

  8. Love this idea! Came across it on pinterest and we are starting our unit on the night sky next week. I would greatly appreciate the moon activity you have as well. Thanks bunches.

    1. Katie,
      Glad you found our Oreo activity. I just fixed our website so you should be able to sign up for the activity guide above. Just enter your email and it will automatically be sent to your inbox. If you have any problems, please let me know.

  9. I would love a copy of your free activity guide on teaching the phases of the moon. The link where you offer it doesn’t seem to be working. Could you send me the guide?

    Thanks in advance,

    1. Stephanie,
      I think it’s working now. My guess is when our site crashed on Sunday, all our forms for free activity guides disappeared. Thanks for letting me know. I’ll have Gentry check to be sure you get the guide.

  10. I turned your Oreo idea into a field trip for 100 homeschool kids and parents! The field trip had 4 components:
    1. We first watched the Hubble IMAX movie at our local theater, which is within a park.
    2. We next walked to the picnic area of the park and had lunch together.
    3. After that we made your Oreo moon phases and taught the kids about the moon.
    4. Finally we created a scale model of the solar system from a big yellow exercise ball (sun) to a poppy seed (Pluto). We put the sun next to our picnic tables and walked along placing the planets accordingly along the way. We had to walk almost a mile just to place Uranus.

    Here are the details of our field trip

    It was a great space day for all! Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Kelly,
      How cool. Thanks so much for sharing. I’m off to tweet about your field trip.

    1. Stef,
      You’re so welcome. My kids still remember doing this activity! Guess food makes an educational

  11. Using Oreo cookies to learn the phases of the moon is a great idea but because the maker of Oreo cookies is embracing the homosexual agenda in Minnesota, I would highly recommend using an alternative brand of cookie. Maybe a store brand cookie would be a better idea. General Mills, maker of Cheerios, Lucky Charms, etc., has publicly announced they are against a one man one woman amendment that is on their November ballot. As a Chistian, the bible, from the opening chapters to the closing chapters, reads of a wedding between a male and a female. Normalizing two males, or two females marrying undermines all of society, especially young people whose minding do not fully mature until the age of twenty-five. Even the CDC has eye-opening statistics of disease and suicide rates related to this lifestyle. Loving a person means telling the truth, not hiding the whole truth. God loves everyone so much that he has told us the Truth.

    1. Lisa,
      I emailed you this evening with the activity guide you requested. Please let me know if I can help you with anything else. I apologize that I only saw today that you had trouble receiving it. Normally my response time is much faster!
      Heidi – Customer Care

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I was a public school teacher in my previous life…6 yrs as a 5th grade teacher. I still have files from those days …that I use for homeschool activities

    1. Katie,
      My apologies for any problems. You should be able to click on the link you want. When you land on that page, scroll to the bottom. There should be a place to enter your email. We have it set up on automation so my assistant isn’t trying to keep up by manually sending different guides to everyone.

      1. Yes, that’s what I’ve been doing. When I enter my name and email and click the ‘send my moon phases guide’ button, the button doesn’t respond and nothing happens. I’ve tried repeatedly.

        1. I asked Heidi to help you. She’ll be working later today. Have you checked your email? The guide arrives via email

        2. Katie,
          I got you taken care of and just emailed you the Oreo activity guide. Please let me know if you need help with anything else. Sorry for the delay!
          Heidi – Customer Care

    1. Laura,
      I’m sorry for the trouble you had! I got you taken care of and emailed you the activity guide this evening. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you!
      Heidi – Customer Care

  12. I am having the same issue. I can’t access any of the teaching guides after entering all my information. I have tried several times on several different occasions. I used to do the oreo phase activity when I taught in the classroom and was hoping to print this out for my files. I checked my e-mail and junk mail. It didn’t go through.

    1. Tracey,
      I’ve been out of town this weekend & will have Heidi contact you. I’m not sure why you’re having issues.

    2. Tracey,
      I emailed you the Oreo activity guide this evening. I’m sorry for the trouble you were having with the online request. Please let me know if I can do anything else for you!
      Heidi – Customer Care

    1. Rachel,
      Thank you for letting us know you’re having problems with the Oreo activity guide. I will get that emailed to you and alert our tech department.
      Heidi – Kerry’s VA

  13. I think you have the First and Last Quarter reversed. Since the phases are read counterclockwise on the plate then the first quarter should be on top. Thanks for the idea. After trying to learn more about the phases I noticed the error on the plate. I guess you helped me really get it for the first time!

    1. You should be able to enter your email on the form above to get your activity guide. My apologies if it was missing earlier.

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