Online Book Club Starts Next Week

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

We had such a overwhelmingly positive response to an online book club, that we will start next week.  We will read Jon Acuff’s book, Start: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average and Do Work that Matters

jon acuff-start online book club at How to Homeschool My

Each week, I’ll post a few questions for us to discuss here on the blog.

I will also include a “teen” discussion question. . . one you can discuss with your teens. Or, your teen can share thoughts here on our blog.  I am so looking forward to hearing your teen’s responses.

Great News

I was looking for my giveaway copies and discovered 2 more. So, I’ll be giving away 4 copies of Start: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average and Do Work that Matters

If you want to enter our giveaway, just use the form below. It ends tomorrow night (Tuesday, April 30) at midnight.

If you need to order your own copy of Jon’s book, here’s a link to Amazon.  It’s the cheapest price and you get free shipping if you’re an Amazon member, as well as 2 day shipping.

Get your book by next week.  We’ll preview the book & start reading.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

how to simplify your homeschool
There may be affiliate links used in this post.


    1. I love it….at least you have the goal in mind. And we know, without a vision the people perish! 🙂

  1. I really hope I win this book, it looks like it would be a great read!!! I would also love to join the book club!

  2. My first thought was “WOW”! I would be interested in the book club and also getting my teenagers involved in it also.

  3. I just received my copy of Jon’s book. Can’t wait to get started reading it! The online book club sounds great!

  4. I’ve always read his blog, he is hilarious! Thanks for doing the giveaway! I know that whoever wins will be blessed immensely!

    1. Jon is hilarious, but he has some great applications. You are so right that whoever wins will be blessed

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