Notebooking for Your Upcoming Homeschool

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

Are you tired of using multiple choice tests to see if your child has learned anything?

Do you want to create a love of learning in your children?

Do you want your child to learn critical thinking skills in your homeschool?

I strongly recommend using notebooks in your homeschool this school year. Instead of rehashing what I wrote earlier this year, I’ll share some valuable info about notebooking so you can decide if it’s a good fit for your family.

How Do You Begin Notebooking with Your Family?

Notebook Page Templates {Part 2}
. . . . 11 things to include in Notebooks

Notebooking as Home School Programs

4 R’s of Notebooking

Cut Out the Busywork . . . try Notebooking

Are You Still Unsure about Notebooking in Your Homeschool?

Notebooking was definitely a good fit for my family. My kids created history notebooks, writing notebooks, Bible notebooks, science notebooks and much more. I loved letting my child demonstrate what they learned by creating special pages in their notebooks.

If you have the tiniest thoughts about notebooking in your upcoming homeschool year, you should check out these FREE Notebooking Pages here. There are hundreds of free pages for you to get started with notebooking.

Question: How do you use notebooking? You can leave a comment by clicking here.


how to simplify your homeschool
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