In honor of mamas around the world & Mothers Day, we’re putting all our Busy Mom resources on sale for 2 days. All our “Busy Mom” resources are discounted by 25%. Grab one or grab all.
Since you’re a loyal blog reader, I’m giving you several hours head start on our sale. Hit reply if you have questions or need more info about any resource below. Thanks for your loyal support.
The only place you’ll find the discounted prices is right here. Scroll on down and choose the one that helps you the most. To read more about any resource, click on the title or the image. . . ENJOY!
Busy Mom’s Organization Tool Kit
- Do you struggle with staying focused or being organized?
- Do you need help finishing a project or being productive?
- Do you fulfill your goals? Or do you even have goals?
- Do you have a plan for your homeschool? a plan for your cleaning & cooking?
- Do you need help managing your time better?
I can relate.
I was a stay-at-home mom for over 20 years and a homeschool mom for 10 years. It’s hard to complete projects or stay focused when you’re raising a family. That’s one reason I created our brand, new Busy Mom’s Organization Tool Kit.
I’ll give you tips & tricks I used to get organized, to stay focused & consistent, as well as getting projects completed.
It’s exactly what you need for 2020. Grab your Tool Kit now and save $27! Instead of the retail price of $46 you pay the Tool Kit Price of $23 and receive:
- Busy Mom’s Get Organized ebook ($15)
- Busy Mom’s Get Organized workbook ($10)
- Juggling Activities as a Mom video ($7)
- Planning & Productivity video ($7)
- How to Manage Your Time video ($7)
Retail price $46 – Tool Kit Price $19
Mother’s Day Special Price $14.25
Drama-Free Mom Bundle
- Are you stressed out?
- Are you struggling to find joy or gratitude in your life?
- Are your kids driving you crazy?
- Is your spouse driving you crazy?
- Do you need help staying close & consistent with God?
- Are you looking for peace in your life?
Enter the drama-free mom zone with practical strategies from the Bible to take stress, worry and anxiety out of your life. Discover Kerry’s four tools to be joyful, have peace and smile.
Your Drama-Free Mom Bundle includes a wide variety of resources for you to instill God’s peace in your life. You’ll receive each of the following:
- Become a Drama-Free Mom: Finding Peace in Your Life, Your Homeschool, Your Family! ebook ($15)
- Achieving Peace through Consistency video workshop ($10)
- Busy Mom’s Game Plan: How to Stay Close to God video workshop ($10)
- How to DeStress Moms with 3 R’s audio workshop ($10)
TOTAL Retail Value $45, Bundle Price $19
Mother’s Day Special Price $14.25
Character Training Tool Kit
- Are you struggling with consistency?
- Do your kids have a bad attitude?
- Do you want to train your kids to have character from the Bible?
- Do you have a rebellious teen? Need to take a step back in the character zone?
- Are you unsure how to use the Bible to train in character?
If you want your kids to have strong character as an adult, you need to start now. So, I highly recommend character training in your home.
When my kids were young, growing Godly character was top priority. But, being consistent in my parenting and child training was difficult.
Is consistency a problem for you, too?
After all, we know consistency and following God’s Word is key to raising children.
We know consistency in character building will prepare your kids to be adults who think of others first. Use these resources to be more consistent and raise kids with Godly character.
- 3 Following God Charts (Consequences & Rewards from Biblical Perspective – $15)
- Achieving Peace through ConsistencyWorkshop ($10)
- Teaching Good Manners: Teaching Tips for Busy Moms ebook ($10)
TOTAL Value $35, Tool Kit Price $19
Mother’s Day Special Price $14.25
Teaching Good Manners:
Teaching Tips for Busy Moms
- How are your kids doing with manners?
- Do your kids consistently say thank you & please
- Do your kids know how to introduce others?
- Do your kids interrupt?
- How’s it going at the table? Need help with table manners?
- Do your kids write thank you notes?
Manners are not taught in a day or a night. They take time and repetition. In fact, they are a life skill that parents model. And, they take work. It is work, well worth it, if you persevere while your kids are at home.
When I picked up Hunter from a friend’s home, the mom told me that Hunter was the only one who thanked her for lunch. He also took his plate back. How did that happen?
Our kids said thank you for meals. They took their plates to the sink after a meal. It was part of our life at home, so it was part of them when they were away from home.
Our family was not as intentional as I had wished in teaching manners. As you can see from this story, we did model “please” and “thank you” every single day. I told my kids thank you for all sorts of things. As a result, they followed my example and said “thank you” to others.
I’ve combined ideas I wish I had when I was raising kids. You’ll discover tips & tricks to help you with . . .
- Introductions
- Personal Manners
- Conversation Manners
- Cell Phone Manners
- Table Manners
- Thank You Notes
Retail $10
Mother’s Day Special Price $7.50
Well . . . what do you think? Which busy mom resource is best for you right now?