Homeschooling is tough enough, but add shelter-in, worldwide pandemic, laundry, hungry kids and you can lose your mind trying to stay sane. One routine that helps me as a mom is journaling.
OK…you non-journalers hear me out. I used to be one of you!
When I journal, I’m talking & listening to God. I can’t write as fast as I can think, so journaling helps slow me down to really listen to God. I don’t journal every day, probably a couple times a week.
Sometimes it’s a quick 3 minute journal entry … that’s all I have time for. Other times, it’s a longer journaling time, pouring out my soul, my hurts, my anger, my bitterness, my gratitude & praise to God.
What I discovered with journaling is I go to God first, instead of people. In the past, I’d grab my phone and call my sister or friend when I was upset. I’d “throw up” on them. Thinking they could help me.
Ever done that?
Now . . . I grab my journal and take a God poll, instead of a people poll. It keeps my focus on the only “certain” one in the world.
What’s all this got to do with my Mother’s Day gift to you?
This year, I have 28 pages of Motherhood Mantras, from moms in the trenches. It includes beautiful journaling pages with mom quotes, as well as book marks & note cards in the back. It’s absolutely free for you.
Motherhood Mantras: Encouraging Reminders for Moms
Inside, you’ll find 28 pages of wisdom to help you on your most challenging days.
So, how do you get your free Mother’s Day gift from me?
You can download your free copy right here.
And guess what?
Next week, I have a special invite for moms like you . . . to a free class to give you 5 Steps to a Chaos Free Home
(Shhh … that’s a little secret I just let out of the bag).
How cool is that?
Enjoy your Mother’s Day. I’m going to visit my Mom this year.