What’s your Family’s Lifestyle of Learning? Love of Learning {Part 4}

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

how to create a love of learning in your kids from HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com

To develop a love of learning in your children, you may have to change your lifestyle to one of discovery and learning, not just workbooks which give the appearance of learning.

Think about this for a minute.

When you want to learn something, do you get a workbook and fill it out?

love of learningMaybe if you’re figuring out finances, you fill out a workbook.  But for the most part, you don’t study a workbook to learn something.

I go to the library, get books and read about my chosen topic. I discuss it with other people in your family so that it becomes a real life experience; it becomes part of me.

You might choose one of the activities that Jonathan Haigt suggests:

  • Take a class just for fun (cooking, yoga, auto mechanics, astronomy, etc.)
  • Go to an online search engine like Ask Jeeves, ask a question, and explore sites you never otherwise would have discovered.
  • Every day, read a chapter of a book just for fun.
  • Decide to become an expert in a specialized topic and begin collecting (and reading) books on the subject.
  • Every weekend, discover a new area of your neighborhood, town, or city.
  • Subscribe to a newspaper or a periodical of special interest.
  • Join an internet discussion group devoted to a topic that you think might be interesting.

If this is true of you & me as adults, why wouldn’t it be true for your kids?

Will Learning Transfer to Your Kids?

If you are learning and loving your education, will it transfer to your children. Several of my newsletter readers have asked me about this issue. Let me share about my oldest daughter who matured in her desire to learn, going beyond just a love of learning.

In her younger years, Ashley did not enjoy reading. She’d even complain – oh my! She was more a hands-on learner.

In her high school years we allowed her to chose topics she wanted to study – her interests, not my requirements. One was Greek and the other was Astronomy.

We agreed to help her find somewhere she could learn about these topics. She found someone who could mentor her in these subject areas.

For Greek she attended a class at the local college and for Astronomy she took an online class. (Both of these are in the list above)

The following year she furthered her education by choosing other topics she wants to study, possibly shadowing someone and continuing her Greek class.

How will you encourage your kids in their love of learning?

I’d love to hear, but more importantly your comments will encourage other homeschool moms !!!

Question: How will you encourage your kids in their love of learning?  You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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One Comment

  1. I do like you suggested, I get lots of books and videos(DVD’s) from the library. If there is an expert around line them up to talk about the subject. I do use workbooks some too, but love to do unit studies. The internet has a lot of useful material, just have to be careful at times.

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